Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgery

Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgical Procedure

What is Laparoscopic weight loss surgery?

The Laparoscopic surgery is specifically for those with severe obesity. As such, It is not a surgery for people who are trying to lose just a couple of pounds.

People who have this surgery done will notice extreme weight loss within the first year after their surgery. With more and more people obese in this day and time, this method is becoming very popular.

People at risk for diabetes, coronary artery disease, and other weight related diseases are looking closely at this method to help them. On top of reducing your weight, you will be at much less risk of developing hernias (which people commonly get after surgery in their abdominal region).

The surgery is reversible, though it is not recommended, so patients should closely study the method before deciding to go through with it.

The General Surgical Procedure

The general procedure involves a laparoscopic gastric bypass, which is adjusted using gastric bands. More specifically, 4 to 6 openings (usually an inch long) are created in the abdomen. This is done in order for the surgeon to be able to put light, cameras, and other instruments inside the abdomen.

The abdomen of the patient is then filled with carbon dioxide so the surgeon can have a better view of the inside. Tiny surgical instruments are then placed into the abdomen to complete the surgery.

The stomach is restricted because of the band. The band (gastric band specifically) can be adjusted after surgery to lose even more weight.

This kind of laparoscopic surgery has been shown repeatedly to be quite effective and safe at the same time. Almost all patients suffer no complications due to the surgery. The patient must usually remain in the hospital for a period of one to three days, and have to not work for up to a month.

At home, the patient will need follow a certain diet which will be given to them by a dietitian. The patient will then have follow-ups regularly to see how they are doing mentally and physically.

Approximately 1 to 2 years after they have lost weight from the surgery, many will have to have plastic surgery done to get rid of extra skin.

Laparoscopic weight loss surgery isn’t for everyone.

It should be the last resort when all conventional methods have proven futile.

This kind of surgery comes with its own set of pros and cons, thus all patients need to be well informed of both the benefits and the risks before deciding if this last resort of weight loss surgery is right for them.