LA Weight Loss Requires Discipline


In the early days of motion pictures it would have been considered quite distasteful for a diva to reveal anything of such an intimate nature and problems with her appearance would have been closely safeguarded behind closed doors.

Her role was to present an image of glamour and perfection that set her apart from the ordinary folks. In this day and age, we fans of movie stars demand to know that our role models are real people with real problems.

We respect them more for the fact that they have the courage to face and overcome their challenges. Here are some examples of highly public profiles that are not afraid to talk about their weight problems:

  • Kirstie Alley, the former star of “Cheers”
  • Jessica Simpson, who has regular workouts with trainer, Harley Pasterna
  • Radio personality “Rockin’ Robin” (Robin Quivers)
  • Oprah, with the help of trainer, Bob Greene
  • “Dreamgirls” star Beyonc