Hypnotherapy NLP Weight Loss


One to One Appointments for Weight Loss

Many clients have tried hypnotherapy weight loss and often NLP techniques. For the work that I do with clients who seek help for losing weight, I do not examine diet nor exercise. I am a hypnotherapist and not a motivation coach or a dietition. What we will explore are the personal blocks and emotional difficulties that arise for you when it comes to issues around food and eating. Please see the pdf file mentioned above to read more about some of these.

We need to be realistic. I’m not able to hypnotise you to make you thin in some kind of “effortless weight loss.” Telling people that hypnotherapy is an effortless way to lose weight will sell products, but won’t necessarily help you or your wallet. These things do require conscious effort and the magic wand that I have in my office is little more than a cheap plastic toy I bought from eBay. A magician I am not.

It is a true story that a number of years ago someone demanded a refund because they found that upon returning home following our session, that they still weighed exactly the same as they did before the session. That experience taught me a little bit about people’s expectation sets. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy for weight loss is about changing the way you think in order to change the way that you behave. It is this behavioural change that makes the difference, not the magic wand. In the work that we do together, you do need to be consciously involved in the process. If you do require a that magic wand, I can show you the eBay store where you can buy your own.

So who are most commonly treated successfully:

Yo-Yo Dieters

 Yo-yo dieters will try dieting successfully only to find the weight goes back on and yet another diet is required. Unfortunately their baseline weight level tends to increase over time.

The Depressed Overeater

The depressed overeater will have other issues of which they may, or may not be aware. Their common response to stress, unhappiness, loneliness etc. is to turn to comfort food.

The I-Know-I’ll-Hate-Myself-Afterwards Eater

This is the problem where the compulsion to eat that cake, packet of biscuits or whatever is so strong, but once eaten the craving is replaced by a feeling of self-loathing and self-berating. The cycle repeats often and commonly results in a sense of helplessness regarding food cravings and compulsions.

Who should attend:

* People who are “clinically obese” or severely overweight.
* People who have tried and failed at dieting.
* All “yo-yo” dieters.
* Comfort eaters.
* Depressed eaters.

“Lori had successfully lost 150 pounds over a period of two years, with an intense program of exercise and food monitoring. However, for the last year she had “hit a plateau,” with no further progress. Exploring her “plateau” metaphor in detail provided her with a range of new behavioral choices. 82-minute session with four-month follow-up.”

Imagine this: a Plant from South Africa gives
You an Organic pill that Kills Your Appetite…

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