How to Stop Dieting and Reclaim yourself With the Law of Attraction


         If you are ready to shed some pounds but the concept of limited food choices is less than appealing and weight loss programs focused on what you can’t do or have tend to encourage tantrums from your inner two-year old, read on.   You are not alone – diets don’t work!

            So, if dieting isn’t the answer to shedding pounds, what is?

            How about a program that teaches you to honor and nourish all aspects of yourself – physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally – so you can heal past hurts and expand your capacity to love yourself and others, all while achieving your weight loss goals?  The Journey to WOW – Choose Health NOW™ program, based on the Law of Attraction, will do just that.

            You may have heard about the Law of Attraction through the book and DVD, The Secret, featured in many media channels including Oprah, Larry King, and USA Today.  Simply put, the Law of Attraction is a universal law that states “like attracts like”.  This means, as explained in Michael Losier’s book, The Law of Attraction:  “I attract into my life whatever I give my energy, attention, and focus to, whether positive or negative.”

Pat Altvater, M.A., author and trainer, is a Certified Law of Attraction Coach whose passions include presenting keynotes, lectures, workshops, and retreats for corporations, organizations, and/or individuals for over 20 years. She’s the former owner of 10 women’s only fitness facilities and has been coaching clients for over a decade. Her program Journey to WOW-Choose Health NOW™, which includes an e-course, a guided imagery CD for releasing weight, a workbook, and affirmation cards, is being used by hundreds of people across the United States to release weight and BE healthy in a non-diet way. Her newest book called Journey to WOW – Ignite the Power Within helps readers recognize and easily release core beliefs and mindsets that keep them stuck and then provides a simple, 5-step Law of Attraction process, based on the BE-DO-HAVE model, for attracting the outcomes they desire.

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