How to Lose Weight Safely During Pregnancy – Exercise Dos and Don’ts


Many women worry about exercising during pregnancy – is it really safe to exercise during pregnancy? Will I cause any damage to my baby? Actually it is perfectly safe to perform certain exercises within certain limits. Staying active with regular exercise is a major part of how to lose weight during pregnancy. Not only that but it will keep you toned, reduce the effects of cellulite, and can actually make your labor easier. By getting into or maintaining a good exercise routine now you can speed up the rate at which you lose weight after your baby is born.

As always, check with your doctor what is the right level of exercise for you, as if you were a particularly active before your pregnancy then you will be more likely to be able to continue on into your pregnancy, but at a reduced level.

Those with particular conditions such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, a history of early labor, previous miscarriages, or a weak cervix should definitely consult a doctor before starting ANY exercise program as you may put yourself and your baby at risk by exercising to lose weight during pregnancy.

Kegel Exercises

In case you’ve never heard of these before, they are also known as “pelvic floor exercises” and aim to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles or “pelvic floor”, which support everything inside the pelvic cavity (such as the uterus, the bladder and rectum) and are like a hammock slung in your pelvis. Pregnant women who perform Kegel exercises often find they have an easier birth. By strengthening these muscles during pregnancy you can help develop the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery. Toning all of these muscles will also minimize the chances of bladder leaks and hemorrhoids – two common problems during pregnancy.

Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles. The great thing about Kegel exercises is that they require no equipment and can be done anywhere and at any time, even while watching your favourite tv show.

Try taking some swimming classes as this is excellent for building muscle toning and stamina, and the buoyancy will come as a welcome relief and help you focus. Most local pools and leisure centers provide special classes which cater for pregnant women and if you have other kids why not take them with you. It’s also a great way to meet other mums and make new friends.

Yoga is very popular these days as it can strengthen your body, give you more flexibility, prevent aches and pains and improve your breathing. There are many classes specifically for pregnant women, but make sure your instructor is properly qualified and has experience with yoga for pregnant woman. Yoga is not fantastic on it’s own as a way to lose weight during pregnancy, but it is great as a complimentary activity and can help you feel better, more energised and more motivated.

By: Julia Strachan

Simply walking regularly can also do wonders when trying to lose weight during pregnancy It will also help to avoid the aches and pains common with pregnancy.What Exercises Should You Not Do During Pregnancy?While it is safe and beneficial to exercise sensibly during pregnancy there are some activities that you should not do, as they will put unnecessary and possibly dangerous stress on the baby. These include:- Anywhere you need to hold your breath for long periods
– Things like horseback riding or skiing where falling is likely
– Contact sports like basketball and football
– Jumping and skipping
– Any stressful abdominal exercises like full sit-ups, deep knee bends and double leg raises
There’s no need to go through your pregnancy feeling overweight, unattractive and lacking energy. There are many simple steps you can take to help you to lose weight during pregnancy.Find out more tips on the safest ways of How To Lose Weight During Pregnancy at my website.