How to Lose Weight During Pregnancy by Controlling Your Cravings

Pregnant Woman Lose Weight During Pregnancy

Pregnant Woman: Losing Weight While Pregnancy

Many women want to know how to lose weight during pregnancy.

It’s not about vanity – in fact, studies have shown that women who look after themselves more during their pregnancy will have an easier labor and get back to their pre-pregnant much faster than those who do not.

Pregnancy is no excuse to let yourself go and eat the house with reckless abandon, but obviously we need to take a slightly different approach to a traditional lose weight or diet plan.

The sudden weight gain that happens during pregnancy not only changes you physically but can really affect you emotionally as you begin to feel overweight and unattractive.

  • In addition, problems like sagging breasts, acne and the dreaded cellulite often rear their ugly heads too.
  • So much for the pregnant woman glow that everyone talks about, right?

It’s normal for you to want to know how you can feel great again but still make sure you do the best for your baby?

How To Lose Weight During Pregnancy – First Things First

Gaining weight while pregnant is perfectly normal and healthy, and necessary for the development of your child. But the key to successful healthy weight gain during pregnancy is knowing how much you should gain, and how to control and maintain it. This is key before knowing how to lose weight during pregnancy.

So the question remains…how to lose weight during pregnancy safely?

Well, first of all forget all the celebrity diet junk that the media seems obsessed with these days.

Going on a diet during pregnancy is NOT good, and can have harmful effects on you and the development of your baby.

What we are concerned with here is trying to avoid putting on excess weight, and ultimately make us and the baby feel better.

  • Restricting your food intake could be potentially hazardous so we want to look for sensible ways to eat healthily.
  • Stay active without going down the deprivation route, thus helping to keep the weight gain to what is necessary for the healthy development of your baby.

This is key part of how to lose weight during pregnancy.

Control Those Cravings

Controlling your cravings will help put the brakes on the weight gain juggernaut.

Tired of the puffy face and varicose veins so common (and hated) during pregnancy?

Well, there are certain foods that you can eat that can actually reduce these effects, so you don’t have to suffer from these effects.

Feel free to indulge sometimes though, your baby needs it. And heck, pregnancy is about the best excuse you can get! 😉

In general at the beginning of a pregnancy, calorie requirement isn’t actually much more than normal, while at the end it is a few hundred calories higher.

Interestingly, during breastfeeding you’ll need about a thousand calories more a day than normal.

So, it shows that overindulgence is not a prerequisite of pregnancy, and understanding this can really help you to control your cravings and to lose weight during pregnancy.

Avoid snacking unnecessarily, and make sure you eat good healthy balanced meals at regular times throughout the day – most importantly is breakfast, as this will lessen the urge to snack.

Watch out for those sugary, high glucose foods…they’ll play havoc with your mood as your metabolism yo-yos up and down throughout the day.