How to Achieve Fast Weight Loss Without Drugs, Starvation Or Surgery – 3 Fat Loss Secrets (Easy!)

Best-Foods-for-Weight-Loss-Fast Weight Loss Without Drugs, Starvation Or Surgery

Fast Weight Loss Without Drugs, Starvation Or Surgery

The simple truth is that you are VERY unhappy about the direction your body has been going the last few months, and who could blame you?

With financial stresses, job losses and even a national foreclosure epidemic at hand, many of us find a wee bit of solace in our favorite foods. I know as I’ve been there…..and can remember the days of reaching into my cubby EVERY time some thing went wrong in MY life..:-)

Fact: More people use food as an emotional crutch and familiar friend to help them get over difficult periods of their lives than drugs and alcohol combined!

Yes, it’s true….finding comfort in food can be as deadly as finding similar solace at the bottom of a bottle, or worse. And MORE lives in Western cultures are cut short due to obesity and weight related maladies than ANYTHING else put together.

And I DON’T want the same for you. Here is my 3 step program to start discovering the REAL you, and doing it before you do any more damage to your body, your mind or your spirit.

Step #1: Resolve To be The Very BEST Version of Yourself Possible

And yes, we can be GREAT people while overweight, or unhappy with our size. But you TRULY only awaken your complete potential when your body works in wondrous harmony with the FULL you.

This includes a healthy body – and both spirit and science alike confirm this to be true for me.

Step #2: Picture it

See it. Smell it. TASTE it. Picture the “true you”, at your absolute best, 3 months….6 months, a year out, fit, fabulous and phenomenal.

How much richer is your life? How do your neighbors, friends and family look at you differently? How do you walk, talk and even smile at others when you simply FEEL great about yourself?

This was a transformational moment for me in my own journey, and the BIGGEST reason I finally got motivated to make it happen.

Step #3: Pick a Proven Program and Put it All Together

Simply STOP with the fad diets. The exotic herbs. The esoteric philosophies. Just PICK a program that’s PROVEN to work and get to it.

Nothing predicts diet success BETTER than how quickly folks like us actually BEGIN the process of losing weight once we decide to, rather than spending a lifetime picking the “perfect” diet for us..:-) (it doesn’t exist – there are ONLY diets that work – and those that don’t!)