How The Coconut Diet Can Help You Lose Weight


Many people are learning the importance of living a healthy life. It comes as no surprise to us that the majority of people are on some type of diet to help them drop 10 to 50 pounds.

There are dozens of diets that can be used – but how many of them actually work? This answer can be different for different people. What works for someone may not work for someone else because of the type of body and metabolism that they have. However, there is one diet that claims to be the best for everyone of every type. This is the coconut diet.

This is a new diet that is low carb and (true to its name) is consisted mainly on the use of coconut oil. The oil is said to help people lose weight and help them to overcome certain health problems. Before you decide to pursue this diet plan we ask that you learn what it is and everything you have to do.

According to this diet the coconut oil that you consume is used to replace trans fat that is contained in the majority of vegetable oils. Coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids as well as medium chain triglycerides. Vegetable oil contains long chain fatty acids and triglycerides. The long chain types is what causes your body to produce fat and the medium chain types is what helps jump start a process known as thermogenesis. Thermogenesis works to increase the way that your metabolism works.

The diet is made up of four phases. The first phase is known as the 21 day plan in which the person dieting will eat three meals a day as well as one or two snacks in between these meals. Each meal is made up of lean protein and vegetables. During this time you are not allowed to eat sweets, fruits, or breads.

The seconds phase of the coconut diet is the cleansing process. During this time you will drink fluids that come from fiber and vegetables. It will help to clean out the inside of your body. It is best to use special colon cleansers to help with the process.

During the third phase of the coconut diet health carbs will be introduced to the meals. Now people will be able to eat a small amount of fruits, whole grains, and starchy vegetables into their meals.

The last phase of the diet is to help you grow accustomed to maintaining the weight you have lost. You will be encouraged to avoid sweets, fruits, and alcohol during this time and to consume around two to three tablespoons of coconut oil every day. You can add the coconut oil to salad dressings, smoothies, and sauces.