How Obesity is Impacting Our Society

Obesity Impacting Modern Society Lifestyle Habits

Obesity Impacting The Modern Society

It is the most alarming rise in obesity ever. According to CDC over 63% of the population are overweight and obese meaning over 180 million. Also based on CDC, obesity has tripled in men and women in the last 2 decades.

According to the American Heart Association over 110 million are walking with partially blocked arteries. Over 160 million have blood pressure and pre-blood pressure and over 76 million have diabetes and pre-diabetes.

There are currently over 50 million smokers. The majority of people have a combination of the above if not ALL of the above. I witness this very fact at the pharmacy EVERY DAY. Mortality statistics are even more startling.

The CDC in recent statistics claim devastating news that over 70% of all causes of death in USA are caused by ONLY 3 preventable factors: Obesity, physical inactivity and smoking.

Is that heart breaking or what?

Why I am telling you this? To get you to realize the enormity of the problem and to give you a broader view of the reality.

My profession as a pharmacist is being rendered obsolete because no amount of medications would help the heart, arteries, blood sugar and blood pressure or cholesterol of an obese or overweight person when they are purchasing their medications at the pharmacy counter along with loads of hotdogs, sausage, pizzas, butter, cookies, sugary drinks and soft drinks and let’s not forget cigarettes and sit all day.

The vast majority of people in America are entangled with a multitude of these problems. It is literally killing us and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Millions of Americans tune in to TV shows on Makeovers of the home, closets, offices, external body appearances and plastic surgery to our external look but what about lifestyle makeovers which help us improve our daily choices which will help us preserve our vital organs, ward off diseases and provide us with the gift of a natural lifespan and the best quality of life.

Lifestyle Makeovers to all people in America are DESPERATELY needed NOW

Lifestyle makeover is what I specialize in and that’s why I wrote a book titled “Lifestyle Makeover for Diabetics and Pre-Diabetics” (Pub date October 1st 2008) and 4 other e-books in the Lifestyle Makeover series (see below for titles) addressing

  • excess weight,
  • physical inactivity,
  • blood pressure,
  • blood cholesterol,
  • tobacco use,
  • Sexual health,
  • stress management and
  • balanced alcohol intake.

A Lifestyle Makeover for a specific theme not only addresses the solutions for that problem from one aspect such as treatment with medications but all other lifestyle related aspects which are the root of the original problem in first place.

In addition to being a pharmacist with several sub-specialties in diabetes and cholesterol management, smoking cessation a personal trainer and certified nutrition guide, I was obese the first 17 years of my life and for the following 3 decades I struggled with keeping the weight off and often hit plateau, peeks and troughs that seem to last indefinitely no matter what I did I was not able to find balance, peace of mind and periodic guilt feelings accompanied me for several decades.

Even the professional advice I sought did not seem convincing and did not produce results.

So I went on a quest for answers, and that’s the main reason I specialized in those fields, until I found the answers for:

—  permanent weight loss,

—  boosting your body’s capacity to burn more energy at rest (BMR),

—  permanent weight control,

— balanced food intake without cutting out any food groups (especially favored ones) and breaking beyond all plateau without dieting

. . . And all that . . .

while enjoying a great emotional, physical and balanced lifestyle.

In other words, NO MORE GUILT.

I have included the results of my long decades quest and targeted search, in my series of book and E-books.