How Ear Acupuncture for Weight Loss Works

How does ear acupuncture works for weight loss

Acupuncture And Weight Loss

Acupuncture is an ancient healing method. It is an alternate method that has shown positive results in case of weight loss and is becoming more popular and recognized due to its effective methods. . People prefer the acupuncture treatment over the different diet pills that contain harmful chemicals and cause side effects.

The main reason that people need to loose weight is because they indulge in overeating which causes them to store extra food as weight which turns into fat and they become over weight. For this very reason a professional acupuncturist is targeting the Thyroid gland to slow down a metabolism rate.

Following a diet and exercise plan is a tough job and this is the more reason that people try to look for alternate ways to loose body weight.

Overweight people turn more stressful, anxious and frustrated in life and according to the latest research people who are over stressed indulge in overeating and if the stress is reduced they will avoid over eating.

In the process of using Acupuncture is, needles are pierced into the body so that they can stimulate anatomic points in the human body and this in turn gives therapeutic results. In acupuncture you use very fine needles and the patient feels a tingling sensation when he undergoes treatment.

Ear acupuncture for weight loss

Ear acupuncture for weight loss has been practiced for centuries even if the thought of piercing needles into various parts of one’s ear sounds strange or kooky.

The ear, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a micro-system with points that match up some vital organs in the body. One’s appetite can be curbed once the needles are inserted into these points and your binging and overeating can be prevented while your metabolism can be speeded up.

A calming effect will be experienced as endorphins are released after performing ear acupuncture for weight loss. One’s stress, anxiety, and frustration will be relieved with the aid of these endorphins.

What actually lead to overeating and cravings for fattening, unhealthy foods are often ascribed to these feelings.

The ear is thought to be the main focal point that is connected to weight loss and when the patient starts to crave for food these needles are pierced in specific points on his body. The pierced needles help in releasing the Endorphin hormone which helps to relax the patient and make the patient control his food cravings.

A magnet or a bead is tapped at the point of acupuncture on the ear so that when the patient feels unnecessary food cravings he needs to press the bead or magnet at the acupuncture point and get rid of his food cravings.

This way the food cravings are curbed and the weight gets controlled by proper timely diet which helps the patient to stay healthy and fit with increased energy. Though it may sound odd getting your ears pierced for weight loss but it sure has been the most effective way of weight loss that has been practiced for centuries.

The treatment of acupuncture is scheduled twice a week till the desired weight is attained plus a healthy diet and a normal exercise pattern should also be adopted to increase the weight loss.

Ear acupuncture has been the perfect weight loss treatment as it has shown excellent weight loss results and thus you can say that Acupuncture not only works best in weight loss but is also recognized world wide.

Laser acupuncture for weight loss is a newer version of ear acupuncture. Similar to needles, this acupuncture also stimulates the same points but with the use of laser.

Losing Weight Through Practicing Acupuncture

This technique helps a lot in reducing the food cravings and improves the blood circulation. It also increases the metabolic rate. This process not only found to be advantageous to control weight, but it is also very helpful in controlling the cholesterol level of the body by targeting the specific points of the human body.

You can get some great benefits from this technique, if it is combined with the balanced and proper diet.

Following are some special points on the body which are selected by the experienced and expert acupuncturists, in order to get rid of the overweight problems safely and in a short time period.

Thyroid is targeted by the acupuncturists to slow the rate of metabolism, spleen is targeted to heal the hormonal and sugar imbalance, mouth is targeted for the extremely impulsive eaters, kidney is targeted with needles for the water retention and nervous system and stomach for obesity.