How Does Slim Ice Cream Work? This Will Shock You!


To be quite honest there are a lot of miracle drugs and foods out there and it may we hard to find out which ones are real and which are phoney. When I first heard of Slim Ice my first reaction was so how does Slim Ice Cream work. I did my research and this is what I found. It certainly surprised me and i bet you will be shocked as well.

Being a natural born skeptic my favorite two words are ‘prove it’ and that is exactly what I wanted from these wild accusations. Cold hard proof is what Americans like. What better proof can you have than a personal experience. Through a little research I found at that Slim Ice has only 80 calories and it also helps you burn calories.

It has ingredients such as green tea extracts and acai berry, a super fruit, which has a lot of antioxidants which fight free radicals and burn calories. It also contains no preservatives, which means that everything in it is healthy.

The acai berry itself sells for about $30 per pound and its starting to catch a lot of media attention for being a so called super food. I’m not sure what this means all that I know is that I’ve been losing some extra pounds just by doing something I did anyway, eating ice cream.