Hollywood Diet Plan Review

Fruit smoothies protein shakes hollywood diet weight loss plan

To put it in few words, the Hollywood Diet Plan is very near to outright fasting – you stop eating anything solid for 48 hours on a trot and instead depend on a magic potion – a mix of fruit drinks – for all your nutritional purposes.

That is, no food, no alcohol, no caffeine, no smoking, and virtually nothing else that you can take it into your mouth.

But, mix 4 ounces of juice concentrate and an equal amount of water and sip it over the course of 4 hours. Follow the juice drink with 8 ounces of water. Repeat this procedure four times a day for 48 hours.

Next, how this procedure brings about fat loss, and hence weight loss? Well, simply by restricting the daily calorie intake. As some people points out, in fact, this is also the con of Hollywood diet.

The total calorie supplied to the body while undergoing Hollywood diet is a paltry 400 calories, as opposed to 2000 odd while normal eating.

So, it will drain the dieter of all his/her energies for two days for sure.

Studies conducted on volunteers have shown that for smaller periods, Hollywood diet causes no serious health problems, even though there may be some amount of dizziness for few people who are trying this out for the first time. But frequently trying out this diet could have some negative effect on the health.

Now to the positives of Hollywood diet plan, as mentioned already, it quickly helps shed unwanted fat.

Since the dieter won’t be consuming any solid food during the dieting period, that gives the digesting system the much needed time to cleanse itself and throw out some accumulated waste.

The adequate hydration also ensures that the system flushes out stored toxins and metabolizes fat. Further, the combination of adequate hydration and the diuretic effect of some juice ingredients aids combat water retention.

From a dieter’s point of view, the only thing to take care is to follow the Hollywood diet plan punctually, as such.

The Hollywood diet potion, bought off the store shelves, is a combination of

pineapple, prune, white grape, orange, apple, and lemon juices, extracts of green tea, ginkgo biloba, bilberry, and grapeseed, and fructose, water, along with some preservatives and stabilizers, in different proportions.

The one popularized by Women’s Magazine – the home made version – on the other hand, have soy milk, wheat germ oil, yogurt, orange and cranberry juices, and flaxseed oil. In terms of calories, however, the latter one has more than the bottled version.