Hollywood Baby Food Diet For Weight Loss – It Actually Works and Isn’t As Crazy As it Seems!


You may think the Hollywood baby food diet for weight loss is crazy or stupid. But before you look past this article, you may want to read a bit of it to see that it’s not so crazy and not so stupid after all. If you’re looking for a way to lose weight without having to suffer or feel deprived, this weight loss diet may be what you’re looking for.

You may feel it’s strange and would be embarrassed if other people found out you were using this diet, but don’t be… even hollywood stars use it. I’m not suggesting you should do it just because some famous person is doing it, I’m just saying that if someone who gets paid a lot of money to have a beautiful body uses it, you may want to look further into using it yourself.

Hollywood Baby Food Diet for Weight Loss

1. Eat your normal foods during meals

This makes it so you don’t feel deprived. Eat healthier, but you don’t have to go nuts trying to eat perfectly healthy.

2. Eat AT LEAST 3 meals a day

It seems a lot of overweight people skip meals and just eat 1 or 2 big meals a day. DON’T DO IT! You need to eat often (no, not eat junk foods often) to keep your metabolism fast so it can burn off more calories. So eat 3 meals. 4 or 5 meals is even better.

3. The baby food part… eat 3-4 little jars or containers of baby food everyday

These are your snacks. Going down the baby food aisle will provide you with numerous choices. Although baby food is made with higher quality due to government regulations, you still want to avoid baby foods that are too high in sugars.

I personally eat the peaches, mangoes, and banana baby foods.

The Hollywood Baby Food Diet for weight loss is a nice alternative way to lose weight without having to suffer… try it and see for yourself.

By: Jennifer Jolan

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