Health Diet – Including Omega-3 in Your Diet to Prevent Health Problems

Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 Preventing Health Complications

There are 3 major types of Omega 3. These fatty acids are very important in a bodies health and how it functions. As we can not produce these vital fats naturally we therefore have to find them in their natural state in a food source. So remember – if you do not eat foods containing these fatty acids your body is unable to compensate for this deficiency and your health will deteriorate.

The 3 types that are found are:

  • ALA [alpha linolenic acid]
  • EPA [eicosapentaenoic acid]
  • and DNA [docosahexaenoic acid].

As you can see they are all different types, the most readily absorbed fatty acids are EPA and DNA.

ALA is mostly derived from vegetable sources and the body naturally converts this fatty acid into DNA and EPA for quicker absorption.

Our bodies have the ability to break them all down and put them all to good use thus preventing some major illnesses.

EPA and DHA are found in the following foods:

* Cold water fish of which salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, cod, halibut and tuna are some of them
* fresh seaweed – yes we can eat this.
* Products that are organically raised these include chickens, their free range eggs and grass-fed beef

APA is found in the following:

* Leafy dark green vegetables
* Crushed flax seeds
* Raw walnuts
* hemp seeds
* soybeans
* pumpkin seeds
* there are different vegetable oils and oils that are made from these omega 3 foods

What do Omega-3s Do?

Health Benefits – known to treat or prevent the following conditions:

* high cholesterol
* high blood pressure
* heart disease
* stroke
* diabetes
* arthritis
* osteoporosis
* depression
* bipolar disorder
* schizophrenia
* Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
* burns and skin disorders
* inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
* asthma
* eye disease (such as muscular degeneration and glaucoma)
* menstrual pain
* breast cancer
* colon cancer
* prostate cancer
* ulcers
* migraine headaches
* preterm labor
* emphysema
* psoriasis
* Lyme disease
* lupus
* panic attacks

and last but not least – weight loss.

Omega Fats for Faster Fat Burning

Studies have shown that by balancing our diet with omega-3 and omega-6 [no need to panic here as our normal diets tend to be packed with Omega-6] fatty acids in our diet we can lead a long and healthy life [Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are considered polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)]. Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids are important for normal metabolism.

A lot of people out there find it real hard to balance the above out, due to time restraints or just general bad eating habits.

So why not try taking supplements to improve your omega-3 intake, these are available over the counter at any health store or pharmacy.