HCG Diet Plan – The Latest Diet Rage

HCG Diet Plan Latest Diet Rage

So what’s it about? The HCG Diet Plan is the name of a weight loss program that combines the hormone HCG as a supplement along with a 500 daily calorie intake program. The diet incorporating HCG isn’t new, and in fact was developed in the 1950′s by a British endocrinologist. And depending on who’s talking about the HCG protocol it is one or the other, a fantastic solution to weight loss problems or a dangerous and costly scam that threatens the health of diet participants.

The hormone involved is actually a fertility or pregnancy hormone which can be taken in drops or injections. Initially the British doctor tested the hormone on both male and female patients, and coupled with a low calorie diet, found they lost weight in certain areas of their bodies. Today, with the resurgence in the hormone’s popularity, some physicians are writing prescriptions for daily injections and have established different plans to accommodate client needs at the cost of $650 or more.

The Hcg protocol is sold as a 26 Day HCG diet plan that helps individuals to lose 20-25 pounds or a 40 day HCG plan that will help participants to lose 30+ pounds. Individuals have reported losing 1-2 lbs per day during the diet with very little fatigue due to the low calorie diet.

A diet of 500 calories is considered by most health professionals as dangerous and bordering malnutrition. Anything less than 1200 calories per day is considered less than adequate in meeting the nutritional needs of most adults. The argument is that with or without the hormone, a 500 calorie diet is bound to produce weight loss. With a low calorie intake the HCG hormone signals the body to burn the abnormal fat in your body thus giving you energy to go about your day. The HCG diet plan also incorporates vitamin b-12 which promotes energy.

The hormone seems to help curb the hunger pangs and appetite, while the HCG drops eliminates all sugars, alcohol, carbohydrates, and dairy products. Participants of the HCG weight loss program believe the effect of the hormone is what’s keeping them on the low calorie diet. They are encouraged to purchase organically grown, produced, and processed food products. Some HCG diet plans are set up through physicians’ programs for break periods between treatments so the body won’t become immune to the hormone (HCG Drops). The break periods also give the body a rest from the strict, low calorie diet.

While the FDA, government and medical communities have issued warnings, participants still rave about the success of the diet. Known and rare problems caused by the hormone can include headaches, leg cramps, constipation, blood clots and temporary hair thinning so the HCG protocol is not 100% risk free.

Is the HCG diet plan a safe… Is the HCG diet plan a safe, successful and effective way to lose unwanted weight? Some will argue that it is, but according to the FDA and most medical professionals it isn’t.

Before starting the HCG Diet plan or any weight loss programs it is important that you consult your doctor before starting. Make sure that you are well informed of all the pros and cons of HCG. This article is intended to help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the HCG diet plan as your weight loss solution.