HCG Diet Action Plan – 3 Easy Steps to Success With HCG Diet


Whether you’ve been on the HCG Diet with little or no success, or you’re just starting your first phase, here’s three easy to implement steps to success…

Step number one; Have an action plan. This is crucial to your success. An HCG diet action plan could be as simple as a laid out menu plan for three weeks of the diet. This helps you keep on track like following a road map to success. Many people fail on any diet, low calorie, low carb, or HCG simply by not being organized. With an action, or a menu plan you know what you’ll be preparing the day or the week before you cook it. This makes preparation and gathering ingredients super easy. A menu plan that is well laid out will keep you within the 500 calorie per day limit that the diet requires.

Step Number Two; Have a food List to go with that action plan. Have a list of all the foods that are allowed on the diet. A good food list will include every fruit, vegetable, and meat as well as serving size that is allowed to stay within the 500 calorie per day limit. This is crucial to your success. I have many friends that have failed on the diet simply from not knowing what foods and what portion sizes are allowed.

Step Number three; Most important, have a book of delicious recipes to follow your action plan. Every recipe should have a calorie and fat count per serving. This will help you put together a menu plan at a glance with every recipe so you can stay within the 500 calorie per day limit.

The real success to the HCG diet is to take the shots and stay within the 500 calorie per day limit. So many people have failed simply from taking the shots then eating whatever they want. They think the shots alone will help them lose weight. The diet does not work this way. It works when you take the shots and stick to the 500 calorie per day limit. Diet and weight loss success can be yours, just as they have been for myself and thousands of others by using these three simple steps. Have an action plan, have food list, and have great recipes.

By: Jennifer Parks

Find out how I lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks with the HCG Diet Success Action Plan.