GU Original Sports Nutrition Energy Gel Variety Pack Reviews


Review of GU Energy Gel

Whether you are training for competition or are already in the middle of your exercise, your body needs proper nutrition to keep up with your physical load and fuel quick your muscles. GU’s energy gel is that little something that can help you take your training to the next level.

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What Is Gu Energy Gel Product

Energy Gel is made to help athletes of all kinds perform at the highest level. You get a lot of calories and essential electrolytes in a portable packet.

GU uses a dual energy source from fructose and maltodextrin that use non-competing pathways for efficient absorption and long lasting energy. Energy Gel by GU Sports nutrition can be used in a variety of training or racing events.

To begin you want to take one packet 5 minutes before and every 45 minutes during the specific activity. It contains a branched- chain amino acid that helps preserve muscle damage and limits mental fatigue.

Energy gel by GU sports nutrition was launched in 1991. This world’s first energy gel is still the most efficient sports fuel available today. Energy gel developed by GU labs, is made of carbohydrate blend which delivers high-quality, easily-digested and long-lasting energy for athletes in every sport and at all activity levels.

If you are looking to be at your best and want optimum results, try drinking of at least 24-30 ounces of fluid per hour during training and racing.

What To know About GU Energy Gel

GU is the energy nutrition gel that started it all. Dr. Bill Vaughn was the developer of the world’s first energy gel. He used this gel to help his daughter perform better during ultra-marathons, ever since then GU has propelled athletes to their highest level of success.

Energy gel by GU Sports Nutrition is made to take all forms of athletic activity with a portable and calorie-dense packet that is filled with carbohydrates that are absorbed fast.

The amino acids limit the muscle damage while increasing the speed of recovery, and the electrolytes help keep the water balance. In some flavors, you may find caffeine to increase concentration.

GU Energy gel definitely fuels some of the best-endured athletes in the world. Each packet contains 450mg of amino acids, 100 calories, and at least 21g total carbohydrates.

Variety packs Include:

— Chocolate Outrage
— Salted Carmel
— Vanilla Bean
— Jet Blackberry
— Tri Berry
— Strawberry Banana

All Caffeinated packages may vary by flavor.

GU Energy Gel: Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What’s the expiration date?

Answer: There usually good for up to two years depending where stored.

Question: Are they all Gluten free?

Answer: Yes, no Gu’s contain gluten.

Question: Which flavors have caffeine and which do not?

Answer: GU energy gel comes in both caffeinated and non-caffeinated flavors. Strawberry Banana and Lemon Lime do not have any caffeine in them. Orange, Vanilla, Chocolate, Triberry and Plain all have 20 mg of caffeine per packet. GU’s Espresso Love flavor has 40mg of caffeine. Caffeine consumption during exercise improves performance in several ways: it sharpens focus and perks you up: but more importantly it helps the body produce more power reduce the pain of hard efforts, and may even tap fat for fuel during exercise.

Positive Reviews on GU Energy Gel

The GU gel works very well and all of the flavors are digestible with some being very good. If you are opposed to using caffeine while working out do not order the ‘mixed flavor pack’. Some of those flavors will include caffeine with some containing double the amount.

If you don’t mind the caffeine then the mixed pack is the way to go. Being on a strenuous workout schedule is easy with a little supplement here and there, and the sports gel is added in the mix with some other extra additives.

Final Thought about GU Energy Gel

Using GU Energy Gel is a great idea for athletes that are in long enduring sports. Energy gel by GU sports nutrition is providing just what you need for premium exercise fuel with none of the extras that may slow you down. Energy Gel by GU is simple to take, simple to digest and great tasting. GU Energy Gel is available in multiple flavors with varying caffeine content so you’re sure to find a favorite that will push you to the next level.

GU takes you where you want to go, fast. Energy gel by GU is definitely the way to go.

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