Green Tea Weight Loss – Is It a Hype?

Green Tea Weight Loss Health Benefits of Green Tea

How Does Green Tea Help Weight Loss?

I am sure you must have wondered this many times on viewing various sort of slim tea advertisements.

Well, the honest answer to this question is that though most of the slim teas are not effective but some of the pure and premium grade green teas can actually make you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate.

It is entirely upon you. If you choose the right product, you can easily lose weight with green tea. People across China and other Asian countries have been drinking tea for so many years.

It should not come as a surprise when I tell you that Chinese are the slimmest people in the world and this is largely due to their love for tea.

Green  Tea — Lose Weight the Healthy Way

First of all, green tea is a great source of antioxidants that are called catechins and polyphenols. Antioxidants that green tea is loaded with are just great for your body and overall health since they can help eliminate harmful toxins and chemicals that get accumulated in your body over time. This can also help your body burn fat at a faster rate by increasing your metabolism.

Health Benefits

Green tea is also contains caffeine and compounds that are called EGCG. These compounds are highly effective in increasing your metabolic rate.

By increasing your metabolic rate, green tea actually helps your body store less fat. This is because it blocks the action of enzymes that are involved in synthesis and storage of fats.

It moderates the production of Insulin in your body and this reduces fat accumulation in your body since it is the hormone that is behind fat storage in your body.

Green Tea and Food Cravings

When you consume foods that are rich in sugar or carbohydrates, your blood sugar level spikes up. This results in an increase in the secretion of Insulin. Insulin leads to accumulation of fats in your body. After having produced too much of Insulin, your body experiences a drop in blood sugar levels after some time.

Low sugar levels increase hunger pangs and food cravings. This turns into a vicious cycle and make you put on excessive weight.

However, green tea can regulate your sugar levels and prevent too much secretion of Insulin. It is highly effective in suppressing hunger and food cravings.

How to Choose Tea That Really Works

Now, there are many types of slim teas that are available. Unfortunately, most of them are not good enough.

Good slim teas are made with whole tea leaves that are of premium quality. Better still, you must opt for a tea that is made with a mix of premium varieties such as Sencha, Puerh and Wuyi Cliff Oolong.

Such tea can ensure very fast weight loss and also improve your overall health and well being. Not just this, it can also be great for your skin.