Why is the Green Coffee Bean Max creating major media buzz? For many people in the Western world, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Who can resist the mesmerizing smell and addicting taste of a good cup of coffee in the morning? But, there was something new even more exciting thrown around recently. Something that not so many people are familiar with: Green Coffee Bean Extract.
Normally, I don’t recommend “weight-loss” supplements, especially weight-loss supplements that claim “easy” weight loss or “fast” weight loss.
I strongly believe that the key to weight loss is a healthy diet and exercise, but there are some incredible “superfoods” that can deliver an added boost.
One “superfood” in particular, the Green Coffee Bean Max, is creating major media buzz, and the research has me truly amazed.
What has me and the scientific community so excited about Green Coffee Bean Max extract is that people don’t have to do anything different when taking this food supplement. They don’t need to exercise, and they don’t need to diet; they just appear to lose pounds fast.
How Green Coffee Extract Helps You Burn More Fat:
The most recent study on Green Coffee Bean Max published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity journal followed a group of 16 adults who supplemented with green coffee bean for only 12 weeks.
Over the course of the study, the subjects lost an average of 17 pounds each – this was 10.5% of their overall body weight and 16% of their overall body fat!
There were no side effects reported.
This is very exciting information and one reason why I think that Green Coffee Bean Max could be an effective weapon against the obesity epidemic in our country.
Green Coffee Extract, America’s Hottest New Way To A Flat Belly:
Green Coffee harnesses the weight-loss effects of the purest extract from green coffee beans. Green Coffee Beans are fresh coffee beans that have not been roasted.
Standard coffee beans have been roasted at 475 degrees farenheit, and that is where their dark color comes from. The roasting process also causes Green Coffee Beans to lose 90% of their primary fat-burning and anti-oxidant component – Chlorogenic Acid.
In their 100% pure form, Green Coffee Beans are rapidly becoming a significant breakthrough in the science of natural health and weight loss.
When roasted at 475 degrees, coffee beans are sometimes described as rich and full-bodied. But for the full-bodied person who is not so rich, unroasted coffee beans green as the day they were picked – may hold the key to cheap and effective weight loss, new research suggests. In a study presented Tuesday at the American Chemical.
Society’s spring national meeting in San Diego, 16 overweight young adults took, by turns, a low dose of green coffee bean extract, a high dose of the same green coffee supplement, and a placebo. Though the study was small, the results were striking:
Subjects taking the full dose of the green coffee extract lost an average of 17.5 pounds in 22 weeks and reduced their overall body weight by 10.5%!
There were no side effects reported. This is very exciting information and one reason why I think that green coffee bean could be an effective weapon against the obesity epidemic in our country.
What To Expect With Pure Green Coffee:
We’re sure you’ve tried a lot of different weight loss products that all promise to do amazing things then don’t deliver.
That shouldn’t be the case, so we’re going to tell you what we experienced when we tried Green Coffee Bean Max:

- Potent Fat Burner
- Effective Appetite Suppressant
- Works Quickly,
- Proven Results
- Affordable Prices
- Tremendous Weight loss results
- Increase in Focus Energy
- Throughout the day
- No Crash
You may be wondering if you can get the same effects from the coffee you drink with breakfast in the morning – and the truth is that you can’t.
When you roast coffee beans, you remove the chlorogenic acid. Green coffee beans are unroasted, have little aroma and are extremely bitter – because they contain over 50% chlorogenic acid. Remember, as I’ve always said, when it comes to your health, “Bitter is better.”
Green coffee bean extract is a health enhancer and weight loss product derived from unroasted coffee beans. There is no health risk and it can bring numerous benefits, including weight loss, energy, anti-aging, and general increased overall health.
Because the green coffee bean is so bitter, I recommend taking it in capsule form. I suggest finding 800 mg pure green coffee bean capsules Take one capsule about 30 minutes before meals; I recommend taking them two or three times per day with a full glass of water for the best results.
Combined with a sensible food program, exercise routine, and drinking plenty of water, the ingredients in Green Coffee Bean Max will help you to regain your slim body easier and faster. Every order of Green Coffee Bean Max is a one-time-only transaction. In other words, there are absolutely no reoccurring charges or hidden offers.