Gastric Sleeve Surgery to Kick Start Weight Loss

Gastric sleeve surgery fast weight loss results success

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as tube gastrectomy, is a weight-loss surgical procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach in order to induce weight shedding in severely obese patients.

OSSANZ (the Obesity Surgery Society of Australia and New Zealand) claims that in the first 1 to 2 years, patients on average lose 40-60% of excess weight with this procedure.

Basically, a large portion of the stomach is removed along the major curve and the remaining parts are then stitched together in the shape of a tube or sleeve. This reduces stomach size so that the patient feels fuller after eating smaller meals.

In fact the amount of food that can be taken in is often only about 10% of that which could be consume before the procedure. The technique also removes the portion of the stomach that produces hunger-inducing hormones thereby helping to control appetite.

It is performed laparoscopically, meaning using minimally invasive methods, which also allows for a quicker recovery. Sometimes it is used as part of a two-phase operation in conjunction with gastric bypass, particularly in patients who have a BMI of greater than 60.

According the, many employees in the U.S. are now missing work days due to obesity-related illness to the point of costing employers more than $13 billion per year. There’s little doubt that a similar problem is developing in other western countries.

Obesity and health complications from it are becoming more common than at any time in history. While we have solved the issue of inadequate food, we have at the same time created a new problem thanks to excess food and sedentary occupations and means of travel.

With more food intake and less daily exercise, it’s not hard to see why our society in general is becoming obese each year.

Of course the best way to deal with this problem on an individual level is through diet and exercise. However for some people, attempts result in continual failure as they go through the yo-yo effect of losing weight and putting it back on again.

Their weight often increases over time, despite frequent dieting.

Gastric sleeve is quite a radical surgical procedure but it can help the severely obese to lose weight quite quickly and effectively.

It is not a solution on its own as it requires the co-operation of the patient in changing their lifestyle and diet. Unlike gastric banding, the operation is permanent and irreversible.

All surgery carries some degree of risk and it is important to be well-informed of this if you are considering gastric sleeve surgery to help you lose weight and improve your health.

The important thing is to discuss it thoroughly with a specialist medical professional and consider your options before making a decision.

If you have struggled for years to lose weight and your health is failing as a result, gastric sleeve surgery may well be an option.