Food Plans For Weight Loss – Get Fast Results


You probably have already experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly of weight loss, and you could be frustrated at this point. So I will get right to the point and give you a common sense approach to permanent weight loss.

You can begin to drop those unwanted pounds fast if you are willing to do this one simple thing: Make a few diet changes. In other words, be willing to provide your body with the proper nutrition it needs. To accomplish this, you must eat food with a food plan and not just eat to be eating. You must be willing to learn how to prepare your own meals and not eat the fat producing fast foods and processed foods that have caused you to be overweight. These are enemies to your health because they are full of chemical additives, sugars, preservatives, coloring, etc. These not only cause you to be overweight with stubborn fat storage, but they can cause you to have de-generative dis-eases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, strokes, kidney failure, cancers, and even mental disorders. So you see, the problem is more than just being overweight. Being overweight is a health problem.

How do you start a food plan?

1. Take a Metabolism Typing Test to discover what diet type you are. There are 3 metabolism types: Protein type; Carbohydrate Type; and mixed type. Don’t worry, this is just a simple questionnaire. Once you know what your metabolism type is, you know what foods you should be eating the most of, and what foods you should not be eating much of. The best way is to know your blood type as well. This is the most accurate typing.

2. Make a food list of the foods based on your metabolism type and learn how to prepare your foods, so they will be healthy for your body. For example, steam your vegetables under 118 degrees so you don’t cook the life out of them. Whole food fruits and vegetables are full of live enzymes. Enzymes are protein catalyst your body must have to carry out its organ function, such as metabolism. Instead of frying your meats, simmer them in a covered skillet using olive oil. No longer deep fry your foods using the hydrogenated oils. They cause high blood pressure by building plaque on the walls of your veins and arteries, and cause (LDL) low density lipoprotein Cholesterol.

3. Hydrate your body with water and let the other fat producing drinks go. Drinks such as soda pop, energy drinks, coffee, and Kool-Aid, (which is dye that you add water and sugar to). These not only help cause obesity, but they can help cause diabetes and kidney problems. To lose weight only drink water, NOTHING else! Drink a minimum of 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water each day (ex. If you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces) to really see the fat fall off.

4. Develop a workout routine of exercises that are designed to burn fat in those stubborn abdominal, flabby arms, hips, and love handle areas. The best exercises for this that works your whole body is squats with raising any amount of weight. Add forward and reverse lunges, push-ups, and mountain climbers. Of course be sure to stretch before and after your workout.

Be sure to eat several meals and healthy snacks each day so you don’t put your body in starvation mode, which causes your body to keep it’s fat stored.You easily and quickly drop your first few pounds of fat quickly and easily with these few dietary changes on your part, but the results will be incredible. I know of hundreds of people, that have used these tips with great success and easily lost their first 10-15 pounds of unwanted fat.

Are you up for this challenge? Apply these easy fat loss rules to your own eating plan for the next 2 weeks and I know you will be seeing some amazing fat loss results in no time.

Get started on your own personal food plans for weight loss right away, including your metabolism test, with our diet solution.

Joshua Yamson is a Whole Food Nutritional Therapist, Diet Coach and International Success Trainer. He invites you to take a look at this completely FREE video that delivers real health, diet, food planning and nutritional information you can implement right away at (c) copyright – Joshua Yamson – All right reserved worldwide