Find Out How Beyonce Lost 20 Pounds in 10 Days – The Maple Syrup Diet

The Maple Syrup Diet Recipe How Beyonce Lost 20 Pounds in 10 Days

The Maple Syrup Diet

Well she was probably paid millions of dollars to lose 20 pounds in just 10 days, but for us common mortals, it is enough to feel awesome after endless days (seemingly!) of food cravings, fasting, mental irritability, and everything else in between.

Maple Syrup Diet, a.k.a. Master Cleanse, a.k.a. Lemonade Diet, a.k.a. Lemonade Cleansing, is one of those celebrity diets that really caught Hollywood’s as well as the public’s attention.

As far as fad and celebrity dieting go, these only spell failure, but the case is different with the diet that is eternally attached to Beyonce’s name.

How Beyonce Lost 20 Pounds in 10 Days

This weight loss method is not a new invention, though. In fact, it has been around since some 60 years back. Back then, it was only used to detoxify the body. Nowadays, it is popular for both detoxification and weight loss.

So how does The Maple Syrup Diet works?

According to the proponents of this weight loss slash detoxification plan, it works by purifying the system by way of flushing out toxins using a lemon-juice-maple-syrup-cayenne solution. Since you are not taking anything else but this, you would surely lose some pounds off your body.

The great thing about this weight loss method is that it works. There are plenty of anecdotes to prove that. It is also cheap. The not-so-great thing about it is that it comes with a price–not a hefty price tag, though.

While under this purging process, the dieter will experience fatigue, extreme hunger pangs, mental irritability, and stomach-related aches and pains which persist for as long as it lasts.

  • The entire duration runs anywhere from 3 to 10 days, a duration which is said to be safe.
  • A period longer than that is generally seen as harmful.
  • And during this period, the dieter has to drink at least 8 up to 12 glasses of this concoction.

After the set duration, the dieter will have to start eating healthy at a very slow pace.

On the first day, unsweetened fluids and fruit juices are recommended; on the second day, a diet of soup; and only on the third day can you resume to your normal diet.