Fighting Childhood Obesity


When I think about what is going on with our kids health it literally makes me want to scream. Kids all around America are being diagnosed with diabetes and obesity at such a young age. It use to be in your late years you will suffer from different ailments and diseases due to poor health habits, but today it can happen when you are in your preteen and teen years. I really would love to go back to the way things use to be. If you were born in the 70’s or earlier you will be able to relate to walking to school, or riding your bike, swimming in the pool with your friends or playing stick ball.

We never wanted to see the inside of our homes unless it was time to eat or to sleep. Other than that, we wanted to play the latest game we either made up or was taught by our friends or test out our toys we received for Christmas. Today it is not like that. Kids are driving to school or riding the school bus, coming home and playing video games and eating huge portions of food. Instead of having a peanut butter sandwich with a piece of fruit for a snack, kids are eating foods that are equivalent to full means due to the increase in portion sizes. So who is to blame? A lot of people will blame you the parent saying that it is your fault that your kid is over weight and that in order to change it, parents would have to change their eating habits and lifestyle.

Others will say it is big fast food companies literally advertising to our kids about what they should be eating and programming them to eat that ice cream, candy or super super size double deck burger. Well, I have my own take on this situation; I believe child obesity is the fault of allowing kids to have options. That comes from the us as parents, school, and society. When we were younger, most of us was not asked what we wanted to eat. Mom would just cook and we would eat. If it was something that we did not like (vegetables) we had to stay at the table until we did. We were encouraged to play outside and come in when the street lights came on, and play different sports. Lastly, we had gym classes at least 2 times a week in school to keep us moving. I strongly believe we can get those days back and fight against childhood obesity so that our kids can live a long healthy life. So how can you start fighting? Here are some things you can do now to fight against childhood obesity:

1. Make sure your kids get a well balance breakfast- I know it is hard to give your kids breakfast every morning so, try to make sure if they are taking the bus or if you are driving them to school that you give them a piece of fruit or a breakfast bar full of whole grains and fruit.

2. Let your kids play outside while you make dinner- When kids come home from school or on the weekend, while you are getting things ready in the home, turn off the tv and let your kids go outside and play or ride their bike. If you are fully prepared for the day, then play a game with your kids that involve movement and activity.

3. Take a walk after dinner- After you are done with dinner, take a family walk. This is a great way for you and your kids to connect.

4. Cook more and eat out less- See if you can plan your meals for the week so you know exactly what the dinner menu is going to be. Get your kids involved in the menu and let them know what they are going to have throughout the week. This will help you plan a well balance menu that will allow them to slim down and have more energy.

5. Let them see your excitement- We all know kids do what they see and not what they hear. To win the battle against childhood obesity your child is watching your every move. Let them see how excited you are about being healthy and active.

Fighting against childhood obesity is going to take a lot of effort on all of our parts. We can save our children’s lives by not only being active in our kids lives, but by being an example for them and showing them that eating healthy is the new cool.