Fast Diets for Quick Weight Loss

Fast diets for Rapid Weight Loss Tips

Rapid Weight Loss – Fast Diets

What have you heard about fast diets? Most people will tell you that if you lose weight too fast that you will put it up again just as quickly of even more quickly. Many of these people speak from experience.

They tried all the diets and weight loss programs and every time it seemed that they were making progress it turned out to be “one step forward two steps back”.

So where are all the success stories coming from.

These successes prove that it can be done.

What is different about these people that makes it possible for them to keep the weight off? The answer is: not much. They are just like you and me.

Most systems that you come across will have a percentage of people for whom the system succeeded. This is normal. It just happened to suit them and therefore worked.

But the consistent theme among weight loss gurus and dieting experts in recent times is that you must lost weight slowly and that if you lose it too quickly you will not be able to keep it off. The strange thing about this is that there is no scientific basis for this theory.

  • There are no scientific studies that demonstrate that this is true. In fact the opposite is true.
  • There are studies that show that if you lose weight quickly and properly that you improve your chances of success.

These studies on fast diets were researched by Dr. Dana Myatt (discussed in her book). She then came up with a system of her own which she has used herself.

And guess what? It works.

She makes no wild claims about her weight loss system called The Super Fast Diet.

You will not lose two stone in two weeks, or anything crazy like that.

Her research shows that the people who lost weight quickest had more success and maintained their target weight more successfully than the slow losers.

The Super Fast Diet is nutritionally complete and avoids negative affects of not having a balanced diet which is the dark side of many other fast diets. Dr. Myatt says “This may be the healthiest diet you have ever been on.”

Dr. Myatt explains the possible affect the your hormones levels can have on dieting. New information today shows that fluctuating hormone levels can have a negative impact on your dieting efforts.

Your hormones may have been preventing you from losing weight successfully in the past. Dana will tell you how to combat this.

On The Super Fast Diet, you’ll be eating specific meals and meal replacements, which the studies show leads to much higher success rates.

After you reach your healthful weight and re-establish youthful hormone levels, you can eat a variety of foods — “whatever you want” — and use The Super Fast Diet techniques to keep your slim figure.

The Lifetime Optimal Weight (LOW) Maintenance chapter explains in detail how to maintain your desired weight, but the bottom line is this: any diet strategy you choose — low calorie, low carb, no white foods, allergy diets — can be used successfully for maintenance once you understand the Super Fast Diet principles.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits of improved health, energy and appearance.

Why not go ahead and mark the start date of your Super Fast 30-Days?

And don’t put that “start date” far off in the future unless you are in the group who simply must get a doctor’s clearance before dieting. The time is now !

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