Fact – Eating Oatmeal 3 Times a Day for 1 Week Will Produce Amazing Weight Loss Guaranteed


You can’t stand the thought of losing weight because you think you need to eat cardboard to do it…

And the belief has some truth to it…

I mean, let’s face it, all food that is healthy for you doesn’t taste like that candy you just ate! In fact, some of the best weight loss foods taste like dirt…if you haven’t tasted dirt all you need to know is that it ain’t good!

So where does all of this leave us?

I’ll tell you where…About 10 to 20 pounds overweight with no motivation to do anything about it!

So allow me to pose this question?

Are you going to live the rest of your life with that flab bouncing around your hips every time you take a step just because you might have to eat something that doesn’t taste good? If we’re honest with ourselves we’d have to admit that it seems rather foolish…

And here’s another thought, perhaps the reason you can’t stand the taste of many healthy foods is because any food that isn’t sugar coated is absolutely foreign to your taste buds? What happens after you spend a whole day at the mall in a buying frenzy…Every thing else seems booooooooaring! It’s no different with the continuous consumption of sweetened food. Every food that’s not sweetened becomes “untasteworthy”.

This might come as a shocker, but nearly every food you purchase at the super market has been artificially sweetened whether it says it on the label or not. This means that you may think you’re eating good, when really your diet is nothing more than processed junk.

Perhaps the last statement has provided a little motivation to alter your eating habits? Here’s just a little more…would it surprise you to know that if you ate 1 bowl of uncooked oatmeal three times a day for the next week that you would lose no less than 5-10 pounds? Do that for the next month and imagine the shape your waistline would be in!

Granted, this seems rather odd. And yes, the taste might take a little getting used to…But when it comes to choosing foods that simply “taste good” or showing off my amazing flab free exterior – I’ll choose that sexy body every time!

By: Jason Clemens

Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert. “Learn how you can explode your weight loss with the best weight loss foods“Achieve Your Perfect Weight and Never Gain One Pound Back” [http://www.naturally-lose-weight-fast.com/naturalapproach.html] What you need to know to be slim for life…