Exercise Program – Fast Weight Loss

Super fast weight loss secret exercise program

Super Fast Weight Loss Secret Uncovered

The secret exercise program for fast weight loss that has been covered up by all of today’s crap information is exposed to everybody.

This is to be used with caution as extremely fast weight loss is unhealthy. I am being 100% honest when I say use with caution.

Fast fat loss will result when you use both aspects of this program.

Losing weight too fast can cause you to have nothing that fits you anymore, rude comments about how sexy you are from random guys and girls and extreme jealousy from members of the same sex.

Exercise Program – Super Fast Weight Loss

Day  1, 3 and 5

  • 45 minute cardio session on treadmill,
  • boxing bag,
  • exercycle,
  • elliptical machine.

It doesn’t really matter which one as long as you are struggling and sweating you are losing fat.

Day 4 and 6

Body weight workout session: do this workout 5 times, should total 30-40 minutes with 1 minute rest

  • 100 x star jumps / jumping jacks
  • 2 minutes skipping rope
  • 50 lunges
  • 12 burpees
  • 1 minute wall sit
  • 20 tucking crunches

How this Exercise Program Works

Day 2 is a day for burning a huge amount of calories – this day you do two cardio sessions, one at night and one in the morning.

This sends your metabolism into overdrive and spiralling way up into the mega fast fat burning zone for the next couple of days.

This workout WILL see you get a major calorie burn and weight loss.

Don’t Forget The Proper Nutrition

Now you are ready for the more important part of the equation – Nutrition.

You know that body builders and fitness models are so picky about nutrition, so you already know that this makes up a MASSIVE amount of the results you will get.

If you just exercise and ignore nutrition, you will NEVER get the lean body and sexy six pack abs, the real secret to getting abs is nutrition.