Every Other Day Diet


With out a doubt, low calorie dieting is and has been the number one way to lose weight and calorie shifting diets like the EveryOther Day Diet are the #1 way to do a low calorie diet.

We can do this the hard way or the easy way.

Dieting is a pain, but the results are great so the secret is to find the least painful way to diet. The EveryOther Day Diet written by Jon Benson is one of the least painful ways to lose weight and keep it off and here is the reason why.

A new look at low calories

Lets say I want to lose weight so I go on a 1500 calorie a day diet. That would add up to 10,500 calories a week. Once I start, things go well until the second week. Then everything screeches to a halt. My body has reduced its calorie usage to compensate for the lower daily calorie count—ouch! I am left in a low calorie desert not losing any weight.

The EveryOthe Day Diet twist.

The EveryOther Day Diet puts an interesting twist on low calorie dieting that keeps the body burning fat and adds some fun to the equation. Instead of counting the calories daily, the EveryOther Day Diet counts them weekly. Using the numbers in the example above, the EveryOther Day Diet would look at the 10,500 calories for the week. This allows a person to shift calories around so that on some days they would eat few calories and on other they would eat more, but always keep the weekly totals to 10,500 or less.

The EveryOther Day Diet adds some fun

Because the EveryOther Day Diet watches the weekly caorie totals you can “save up” calories to have a day or two each week to indulge in your favorite foods. This includes any kind of food as long as you can stay with in your weekly calorie limit. This EveryOther Day Diet technique does two things.

1) Keeps the body from adjusting to a daily low calorie count and stalling out in its fat loss
2) Keeps you from feeling trapped like so many other diets do

EveryOther Day Diet and special occasions

Because the EveryOther Day Diet uses calorie shifting, you can build special occasions right into your diet. EveryOther Day Diet calorie shifting can actually boost your metabolism and cause you to lose even more weight. So if you play your cards right the EveryOther Day Diet can allow you to use special occasions to eat relatively freely and boost your weight loss at the same time.

The EveryOther Day Diet restores your social life

Because you can eat pretty normally at special occasions and events while you are on the EveryOther Day Diet, no one will ever know you are dieting. You don’t need to be the odd duck out.

It the EveryOther Day Diet the only one?

Calorie shifting as in the EveryOther Day Diet is, in my opinion, the easiest diet in the world. I have used the EveryOther Day Diet in this article as an example because I am fimiliar with it and have lost weight with it, but to be fair the EveryOther Day Diet is not the only calorie shifting diet out there. I just happen to believe that the EveryOther Day Diet is the best.


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