Dukan Diet Tips – Importance of Physical Activity

Physical Activity and Dukan Diet

Importance of Physical Activity in Dukan Diet

Physical activity is essential to good health. Being physically active is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle.

If you are on the Dukan diet then moderate daily physical activity is one of the few non-negotiable rules you should follow. The recommended daily amount of exercise while on the diet is at least 25 minutes each day. Even if you are not on the Dukan diet, most experts recommend about 20 minutes of moderate physical activity a day.

The Dukan diet is initially a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Dr. Dukan also has major restrictions on fat, sugar and salt.

Foods in Dukan Diet


Dieters are presented with a restricted menu but the restrictions are doable and there are plenty of choices at meal times.

In “The Dukan Diet”, the bestselling book, recently released in the U.K. and U.S. and sold in 20 different countries, the author gives a list of loads of permitted foods.

The foods you choose to eat from this list are up to you and your particular taste.

The doctor recommends being creative and using lots of spices and herbs to flavor your proteins.

Dr. Dukan insists that you drink water and do moderate physical activity each day.

Some people are physically active naturally and find that the required 25 minutes of walking or exercise each day is no problem.

Others, however, find fitting the daily exercise in a challenge.

If you are on the Dukan diet and are finding it difficult to exercise daily here are some tips that may help.

Exercise is essential for the optimal functioning of your heart

If you’re having trouble getting motivated to work out for weight loss, think about your heart health.

The Dukan diet requires eating a lot of protein. Sometimes people feel tired without the sugar and carbs.

Make sure you are eating enough and don’t deprive yourself during the diet. S

urprisingly, exercise often makes you feel more alert and energetic giving you that added boost.

If you need a little motivation to exercise, think of the benefits to your cardiovascular system.

Physical activity helps you burn calories and fat naturally

It is important to burn fat if you want to lose weight. The slimming process is more effective if you are doing physical activity to burn additional calories.

Make sure you drink water to flush your system as you exercise and change your eating habits.

If you are finding it challenging to motivate yourself to exercise, imagine fat melting off as you walk or run or dance.

Sometimes the mental image can keep you motivated with your increased physical activity and exercise plan.

Physical Activity is terrific for your mind, a natural high

If you aren’t excited about the experience of working out, remind yourself how great you will feel after you exercise.

Exercise boosts chemicals in your brain and gives you a feeling of euphoria, in addition to the feeling of accomplishment you will feel.

While doing the Dukan diet, which is a challenge – it’s fantastic to have that extra boost to your brain.

You don’t have to do strenuous physical activity

If you aren’t a jogger or don’t like running, remember that you don’t have to do difficult exercise to get the benefits of physical activity on the Dukan Method.

A nice walk or hike is effective as long as you get your heart rate up a bit. Here is a tip if getting out there to exercise is a challenge.

Set out your sneakers or walking shoes and comfortable walking clothes before you go to bed. Have your iPod and headphones ready.

When your alarm goes off, get dressed and go out the door promising yourself that you’ll do at least five minutes of walking.

Chances are, once you are going, your five minute walk will turn into 20 minutes or more. If you feel good, keep going.

More physical activity is even better while on the Dukan Diet. If you push yourself just a little bit, you will benefit from the results more quickly.

Another thing you can do is just add short bits of physical activity to your routine each day.

Maybe walking to the market instead of driving, take the stairs instead of the elevator at work – these types of activities add up and help your Dukan Diet results.

Don’t forget that physical activity is essential to a healthy lifestyle, especially so if you are committed to making changes and doing the Dukan diet.