Dr. Susan’s Girls-Only Weight Loss Guide: The Easy, Fun Way to Look and Feel Good! Reviews


Easy and Fun Weight Loss for Girls: Look and Feel Good!

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Dr. Susan's Girls-Only Weight Loss GuideThis enlightening guide enables adolescent girls to address more than just weight loss.

This book explores concepts such as empowerment, self-esteem, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Teenage girls are given the tools to recognize and break away from unhealthy patterns, including harmful diets, by discussing the many ways in which depression, anger, and low self-esteem can translate into eating and weight gain and how to find healthier, less destructive ways of coping.

“Your body image is the way you think about your own body and how accurately you see your body for what it really looks like,” explains the author in her new book.

Susan Bartell, a psychologist, has more than fifteen years’ experience helping teens, especially girls, deal with their bodies and the changes that occur during adolescence.

Her previous books include Stepliving for Teens and Mommy or Daddy: Whose Side Am I On? The teen years can be difficult for everyone, and many adolescent girls worry about their weight; Bartell brings this subject to the forefront in a matter-of-fact and, at times, humorous way.

The book’s subtitle indicates the author’s “easy, fun” approach. With chapter titles like “Help! I’m Not Just Growing Up, I’m Growing Out!,” “It’s All in Your Genes … and I Don’t Mean the Five-Pocket Kind,” and “On a Diet … Off a Diet—The Rocky Road to a Not-So-Healthy Body,” any teens looking for help losing weight or understanding their bodies will find this book friendly and enjoyable.

  • The authorl includes partial letters from real girls who have had weight and self-esteem issues.
  • Helpful hints on how to begin losing weight and start exercising are given in an easy and practical manner.
  • S.Bartell never fusses or preaches at girls who don’t exercise or who “slip” every once in a while.
  • The book contains quizzes to help readers discover the knowledge they already possess and some of the fallacies they cling to.
  • The author brought twelve teenage girls together as an advisory group when she was writing this book.
  • The girls tell their own story of struggles with weight and self-esteem.
  • Bartell encourages readers to email her with any suggestions they might have concerning exercise, talking to parents, and weight-control issues.
  • A section of contact professionals and organizations is also included.

Thanks to Bartell, teenagers (and adults, too) will lose weight, learn a lot, and feel good about themselves—while having fun.

List Price: $ 14.95

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