Diets for quick weight loss for women

Weight Loss tips for women

It is no secret that men and women lose weight differently. Diets for quick weight loss for women need to meet the special needs of women.

It discourages me when I watch my male counterparts at the gym lean back against the leg press machine, towel off their face and sigh, “I only lost 4 pounds this week.”  

I’d like to kill them, but it isn’t their fault that we women have to work harder to convince our bodies to let go of the fat.

Diets for quick weight loss for women need to take into account that men lose fat faster than women primarily because nature endowed them with a lot more lean muscle mass and lean muscle tissue burns fat.  Men develop more lean muscle tissue because of testosterone the male hormone,something that most women do not want to have a lot of.

Lean Muscle Tissue Key To Diets For Quick Weight Loss For Women

It is important to add resistance training to a high protein low calorie diet plan.  This combination can result in diets for quick weight loss for women.

Using a menu planner and a calorie guide combined with a great exercise program will result in rapid, healthy weight loss.

The hCG Alternative

If you really want rapid sustainable weight loss that is almost a guarantee, then you should try the hCG diet protocol developed by Dr.Simeon in the 1950’s.

This diet is very strict and somewhat complicated to put into place by yourself.  But if you purchase one of the self directed guides it is a snap.

My personal opinion is that you should avoid homeopathic hCG drops and opt for the real stuff.

I have personally witnessed friends of mine average 3 quarters to a pound a day loss of pure fat resulting in 20 to 30 pounds of fat lost in a month.  It is the best of the diets for quick weight loss for women.

A Close Second

Strip That Fat is an example of the second best of the diets for quick weight loss for women. These types of diets use a fast fat loss phase combined with a steady fat loss phase to keep your body healthy and promote healthy weight loss.

Many of these weight loss management sweets come with menu planners, extensive calorie guides, a sharing forum and personal support.

And the price is unbelievably low.  For the life of me I can’t figure out why anyone would pay through the nose for the big diet companies when this type of product is available for life for a one time fee.

Which ever way you chose to go, make sure that the diet you chose is one of the diets for quick weight loss for women and that it recognizes womens specific needs for quick, healthy weight loss.