Diet to Go Meal Plan Options

Atkins Weight Loss Diet Plan Choices

Diet To Go is a popular diet food home delivery service. They design and prepare gourmet meals that are then flash frozen and sent to you via UPS. They have a variety of different meal plans to choose from, depending on your needs.

One of the really convenient things about Diet to Go is that they do not force you to order an entire week’s worth of food. So if there are certain meals that you prefer to cook at home, you can continue doing that.

Personally, I like to prepare my own breakfast, so my orders are for lunch and dinner only. This also saves me some money.

Another way you can go is to just order meals for five days a week. That way, if you like to cook at home on the weekends, you can just have the Diet to Go foods during your work week.

Since most of their foods do not require being put in the refrigerator or freezer because they are shelf stable, it can be a convenient way to bring your diet food to the office. You can just leave the meals in your desk until it is time to go heat them up in the microwave.

Diet-to-Go has three different meal plans available. One is a traditional low fat plan. Then they have a low fat vegetarian menu. There is also a low carb menu for those of us who lose weight better cutting out as many carbs as possible.

The low carb plan is a little bit more expensive than the low fat plan because, generally, protein is more expensive than carbohydrates. Pricing for the various Diet to Go plans runs from about $80 per week for the lunch and dinner five days a week option to $149 per week for the low carb meals 7 days per week, including breakfast.