Diet Plans And Menus – The Mayo Clinic Diet

The Mayo Clinic Diet Plans Dieting

The Mayo Clinic Diet was created at the world famous Mayo Clinic.

In this diet women eat a maximum of 1200-1600 calories a day depending on weight.

Men eat a maximum of 1400-1800 calories a day.

This diet defines its own nutritional pyramid divided into five alimentary groups.

Dieters eat mostly fruits and vegetables. Their consumption of proteins, glucides, and fats is limited. Here are some of the diet principles.

First determine your daily calorie intake that depends on your sex and weight. This value is flexible, if you feel hungry you may increase it. Depending on the calories allowed, determine the number of servings of fatty foods, proteins, glucides, vegetables, and fruits.

Serving size is quite closely defined. For example, a fruit serving is approximately 60 calories, such as a small banana, a small apple, or 250 milliliters (about 7 ounces) of strawberries or grapes. Favor small red fruits or whole fruits; for example apples and oranges.

Sweets aren’t completely forbidden.

You may obtain 75 calories a day from sweets, such as caramels.

Keep a journal of what you eat.

Practice a sport for thirty minutes daily. This helps your cardiovascular condition. Your best bet is an endurance sport such as bicycling, dancing, or swimming.

An advantage of the Mayo Clinic Diet is that its meals are vitamin rich. And so many fruits and vegetables are said to be good for you. This is a very complicated diet with so many servings and requiring precise measurement.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1

Breakfast: Orange juice. An oatmeal cookie. 250 milliliters of raspberries. A skim-milk yogurt.
Lunch: Green salad. A teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. 60 grams of grilled beef fillet. 125 milliliters of green beans. 85 milliliters of brown rice. An apple.
Supper: Leek soup. 2 slices of whole grain bread. 250 milliliters of skim milk. A peach.

Menu 2

Breakfast: Fresh apricot juice. 2 slices of whole grain bread. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. A tea.
Lunch: Green salad. A teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. A thick baked salmon fillet. 125 milliliters of zucchini with herbs. An apple.
Supper: A sandwich of chicken breast (90 grams) on pumpernickel bread. 60 milliliters of low-fat mayonnaise. 250 milliliters of red pepper and carrot salad. 250 milliliters of skim milk. A kiwi.

Some information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media.

Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is available only in French at present.