Diabetic Diet – Is It Really Important?


Is it really important to have a diabetic diet? The answer is a definite ‘Yes’. If you do not implement a diabetic diet into your daily routine, you are allowing yourself to be at a very high risk of developing complications of diabetes or worse, death. Is this what you want for you and your family?

The best recommendation for a diabetic diet is one that is high in soluble fibre, but low in fat (this means avoiding saturated fats). It is also recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index (GI).

A very important part of the diabetic diet is the effect it has on your blood sugar levels. The type of foods that you eat is what triggers the spikes in your blood sugar, so this is why you need to closely monitor what foods affect your blood sugar levels and avoid them altogether.

Following is a list of some helpful tips on planning your diabetic diet:

First, it is important that you get yourself a notebook where you can record your meals and blood sugar readings The headings should be the date, time, description of meal (recipe name), foods contained in that meal, your blood readings before and after each meal, and which foods have caused your blood sugar to rise Make sure that you include 30 minutes of exercise each day into your routine Check with your doctor to find out which exercises are best suited to your individual needs, some exercises can actually cause your harm so you need to be aware of these Make sure that you take your medication at the same time each day Ensure that you eat your meals at the same time each day Ensure that you eat meals at regular intervals Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables Eat fish twice a week Choose lean meats Choose the low variety of dairy products Avoid processed foods Avoid fatty foods especially those that are high in saturated fats Drink plenty of water each day Limit your alcohol intake Limit your salt intake Avoid snacks like chips, cakes, pastries, biscuits and cookies Include legumes, beans, nuts and seeds into your diet, and Avoid sugary drinks

It will take some time to work out which foods affect your blood sugar levels, but knowing what these foods are will allow you to manage your diabetes effectively and achieve optimum health.

If you want to avoid the nasty complications of diabetes, then it is really important for you to implement a diabetic diet.

By: S Kennedy

Sue Kennedy is the author of the physician-endorsed e-book “Defeat Diabetes Now,” and operates a membership channel devoted to health & wellness. Readers of her book also receive instant access to expert interviews, articles, diet plans and other resources designed to maintain optimum health and prevent disease. Learn how you can defeat diabetes now.