Diabetic Diet Food Dos and Don’ts


All diets usually have a list of what you can do, and what you should not do. A diabetic diet is no different. Here is a list of “DOs and DON’Ts” for a diabetic food plan that should help you make meal planning a little easier while managing your diabetes.

The “DOs” on a Diabetic Diet:
DO drink plenty of water each day. DO eat at least 3 servings of fresh vegetables daily. DO eat at the same times everyday. DO switch to low fat milk. DO eat 20 – 25 grams of raw onion everyday. DO ingest cinnamon daily. DO eat a daily allotment of fresh fruit. DO try to switch to herbal tea rather than caffeinated tea

You may notice a few odd things on this “DO” list. If you are wondering why you should be eating raw onion daily, you should understand that onions contain properties that actually fight against diabetes.

Onions also aid digestion, as well as serving as a diuretic. Cinnamon is a spice found to help control blood sugar. It has been suggested that boiling a few cinnamon sticks in water, then drinking this “cinnamon tea” will lower your blood sugar.

Here are the DON’TS for a Diabetic Diet:

DON’T overeat at any time. DON’T eat or drink anything containing a lot of sugar. DON’T overdo it when adding salt to your food. DON’T eat fried or fatty foods. DON’T have more than 2 cups of regular coffee or tea daily. DON’T drink whole milk. DON’T eat cheese high in fat. DON’T eat lots of rice, potatoes, bananas or carrots. These can raise your blood sugar.

The above DOs and DON’Ts for a diabetic diet food plan seem to be pretty self-explanatory. You can replace sugar with things like honey, and artificial sweeteners that are on the market today. If you are trying to find another way to replace fried foods you may love, try baking or broiling instead.

Use the above DOs and DON’Ts for diabetic diet when planning your daily meals. It might just make things a little less complicated, as well as keeping your diabetes under control.

By: Michelle Dixon

Are you trying to learn all about diabetic diet food? Then you will want to visit http://www.diabeticdietfood.com that will give you complete information on diabetic diets, meal planning, managing diabetes with food and more.
Copyright 2008, Michelle Dixon