Chemical Weight Loss VS Real Food Fast Weight Loss


When I say chemical weight loss I don’t mean pills or drinks, but the many diet systems offering fast weight loss by means of chemically flavored and colored processed, frozen foods. As opposed to real fresh food that will nurture your body. That will not disrupt your hormone balance and make it even harder to lose weight. Or cause cravings for carbohydrates because they are artificially sweetened, and you never get away from sweet tastes.

I have always felt suspicious about diets that promote “yummy desserts” with almost no calories. Very few artificial sweeteners do not just keep a sugar addiction going. In fact, in order to fatten up lab rats for medical studies, a specific artificial sweetener is fed to them.

Wanna be a lab rat? I would say that the experiment has already been done, and that the diet industry already has the results in. That those of you who lose weight through chemical foods just keep right on eating those “yummy desserts” after the diet. The taste for them has never been replaced with the taste for fresh fruit or even “real food” desserts.

I know it is a lot harder to shop, chop, broil and poach real lean meat or poultry cuts. Or get to the market when the fish is freshest. But you have a freezer, right? Now you can get, just as an example, frozen lean ORGANICALLY fed chicken pieces, cut to meal size, and you can have a dozen meals ready to cook, from freezer to pan.

You can cook a bunch at once and chop up into a large salad – easy to take some in a tub to work for lunch. Add some walnut pieces for a crunch. Use a home-made salad dressing made with an oil you really need, such as flax seed oil or olive oil. Omega 3 oils should never be removed from your diet! Just measure what you’re using in a meal, so you are following a plan.

Adding exercise will help with your weight loss, boost your metabolism and contribute to peaceful sleep. I hope this information helps you with your weight loss goals. For an easy-to-follow weight loss plan, visit us and get it, and avoid chemical weight loss.