Can Eating Oatmeal Lead to Weight Loss?

Woman eating oatmeal fast easy long term weight loss

Here is some information I want to share about Oatmeal and Weight Loss. As you are already aware, fueling up with a good breakfast is vitally important to your health and to your diet plan. This is the first meal of the day, and the meal you need to draw energy from to get your day going into high gear.

Eating a bowl of oatmeal has many health benefits, and plays an important role in weight loss. By having a bowl of oatmeal in the morning for breakfast, you have started your day off right. Because oatmeal is rich in fiber, it will make you feel fuller, longer, and reduce your chances of wanting to snack before lunch and de-rail your healthier eating, weight loss program.

What is in oatmeal that makes you feel satisfied longer than say other food choices? In one word – fiber. Oatmeal consists of both soluble and insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber is what is credited for continued regular bowel movements.

As this type of fiber does not dissolve in water, it creates a heavier stool. Due to the weight of the stool, it will now pass through the intestines more quickly and alleviate constipation. A clean system is vital in weight loss. The soluble portion of the fiber creates a gel, which slows down the emptying of the stomach, which leads to the sensation of feeling full.

Oatmeal is available in a host of varieties. One type of oatmeal, which is gaining much attention at the present, is the steel cut oats. Oatmeal is also available in rolled or in instant.

There is much debate whether from a nutritional standpoint if there are any differences between the steel cut or the rolled oats. So, here is a brief overview for you.

Some points of view favor the thought that the less the oat hulls are processed, the better the oatmeal is for you.

The outer most hull is always removed before the oat is eaten. It is during this stage that additional processes are taken. Steel cut oats leave the oat bran of the hull, but they are cut two to three times, but are not flattened.

The rolled oats undergo another round of processing, namely being chopped, steamed, flattened then rolled.

The rolled oats also retain the bran.

The quick or instant variety goes through an additional process of having the bran removed.

It is because of this last process, that it is felt that the instant version is not quite as nourishing as their counterparts, the steel cut or rolled oats.

One downside of the steel cut oats is the time that is needed to prepare.

  • 25 minutes is the time required to enjoy this version of oatmeal. This steel cut version has both a chewy texture and nutty taste. But let’s face it. Time and convenience are two major factors in what we chose for our breakfast feast.
  • 25 minutes is just not allotted in the morning ritual of getting everything and everyone ready and then out the door for a fast paced day! But planning and making ahead can easily remedy this drawback. This type of oatmeal can be made in a large batch ahead of time, and then reheated when you need it.

Whichever type of oatmeal you chose, there are many health benefits that may follow with the introduction of this oat in your diet, and one in particular being weight loss.

It is important to drink plenty of water when incorporating oatmeal into your diet.

The water will both increase the effectiveness of the oatmeal, as well as keep away stomach upset, which could happen if you introduce oatmeal too quickly in your morning meal.

If you haven’t had oatmeal in a while, it may be time to get re-acquainted. If you are already enjoying this oat each morning, isn’t it nice to know that you are getting your morning off to such a positive start!