Calories Weight Loss Calculator

Counting Calories Weight Loss Calculator Food Calorie Count

Calorie Calculator – Faser Weight Loss

It is very necessary that every person should maintain his/her body structure. As you must know that a person’s weight can be calculated by a common tool called BMI that is body mass index.

It is an indicator which tells about the body fat content in a person’s body.

BMI is in fact a weight loss calculator which is a measurement of body fat content in an individual related to his/her weight and height. This calculator tells about all categories which are underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity.

One of the major problems is obesity. In today’s lifestyle, obesity has become a common problem. Through BMI (body mass index), a person will be able to know whether he/she is obese or not.

There is BMI calculator for both women and men. The main factor in BMI is high body weight and obesity. If we calculate body fat in term of percentage, then for women above 30 percent is considered to be obese.

For men, it is 25 percent. Perhaps, the reasons for high BMI are urinary stress, infertility in females, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension etc. This tool is thus very helpful to know about your health risks problems.

Counting Calories and Losing Weight

If you want to lose weight, you have to take in less calories than you expend. So you may be tempted to make some drastic changes in your eating habits and eat nothing but salads and yogurt or start some low calorie fad diet.

Are you hindering your weight loss by cutting too many calories?

If you have less than 10 pounds to lose, eating salads and yogurt for a couple of weeks isn’t going to hurt you and you will probably shed those few pesky pounds. But what about those that want to lose 20, 30, 40 pounds or more? If you make drastic cuts in your daily caloric intake for long periods of time, your body could go into starvation mode. This is where your body thinks it isn’t going to get the calories and nutrition it needs to survive, so it starts storing everything as fat. Your weight loss comes to a halt or, for old diet pros like myself, you reach a plateau. Your metabolism is slowed considerably, burning calories as slowly as possible to conserve energy.

Health Risks

Not only does this major, long-term calorie deficit sabotage your weight loss efforts, it can also lead to some serious health issues. When your body goes into starvation mode, you increase your risk of:

  • Low blood pressure and slowed heart rate
  • Electrolyte imbalances (especially potassium deficiency)
  • Gallstones
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle fingernails
  • Irregular or loss of menstrual cycle
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Anemia
  • Brittle bones
  • Depression

The Lose/Gain Cycle

If you have probably been on more than one diet in your lifetime than you understand the frustration and depression that comes when your metabolism slows. You reach that dreaded plateau where nothing seems to work, then you give up and start eating everything in sight. So the 10 or 15 pounds you lost by basically starving yourself come back in no time….with an extra 10 pounds to stress over!

Some Facts about Food and Calories

Calories are a vital part of a healthy and energetic life. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day just to function properly. Too few will leave you feeling sluggish, shaky, and creates cravings that are hard to resist. Too many leads to weight gain as well as a long list of possible health problems.

The truth is that it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound. Calculate your daily caloric needs based on your age, height, weight, and activity level.

Regardless of what you have heard or read, there are no certain foods that will help to speed your metabolism and burn fat faster. Common sense will tell you that 300 calories of veggies and protein are better “fuel” for the body than 300 calories of sugar.

Make This Your Last Diet

Instead of opting for some fad diet, calculate how many calories you need to cut and devise a sensible eating plan that you can live with.

  • Choose some sort of physical activity that you enjoy and incorporate that into your routine 3 or 4 times a week — Set a reasonable goal of losing 1 to 2 pounds per week.
  • Learn to eat smaller portions — A great trick for this is to use a smaller plate that appears to be overloaded with food.
  • Allow yourself some splurges — Every now and then, we all need those comfort foods or the ones that are loaded with empty calories…but they taste so good. It’s okay to splurge once a week without guilt, which will actually keep you on track because you will not be depriving yourself totally on the foods you love.

Construction Waste Management Plan, CMWM, Program

In California, CMWM program is one of the best programs which help you to reduce weight with positive effects.

According to weight management, the number of calories you consume in a day should get balanced by burning the same amount of calories that you consume on the day.

If the calorie intake is more than calorie used of, then a person becomes overweight. As a result, body mass index of a person becomes more which in turn increases health diseases. Body mass index basically gives you an idea about the body fat content in your body.

CMWM program offers you with best facilities and guides you properly.

Weight loss calculator is provided to the patients which is free of cost and it gives you an idea of your body mass index.

Moreover, you can get free consultation once you have an appointment with the doctor. I would recommend that overweight people should join this program as soon as possible.

In order to save you from health risk diseases, this program will be very helpful to you and you will gain long term benefits.

Like, you will gain more self confidence and your risk for heart diseases gets reduced. In addition to this, you will feel light and energetic.