Calorie Diet Facts and Fiction – Know the Facts


A serious weight loss can be achieved through a controlled regimen of plan not on an ad hoc basic starvation method. A serious weight loss cannot be achieved purely by starvation diet. A serious weight loss must be attributed to eating the right types of calories at the correct times of the day, so that your body engine can burn those calories, but you need all types of calories. You need the proteins, the carbs, and the fat, to some degree.

Calorie Diet facts – Most people believe that calories are the answer to losing weight. If you eat, say two thousand five hundred calories a day, and you to decide to cut them by one thousand calories to fifteen hundred calories. It does not mean because of the one thousand calories less that you are consuming you will loose weight. Well, that is not how it works. These are the Calorie Diet facts:-

Dieting Plateau

Firstly, if you cut your calories on a starvation diet by missing meals or cutting meals out, you will not to loose weight. You are not going to achieve anything because your body will only drop to a certain point, which is called the “dieting plateau”. The weight you lose will be water retention in the muscles and not fat content. The body through exercise burns off calories naturally. Eventually by stepping on the scales your weight will refuse to go any lower, no matter how little or how much you are eating.

Diet Facts

Let us think of a scenario of a typical dieter would usually associate with. One day, you get up and you look in the mirror to put your clothes on. You feel that they are little bit too tight. You think that you are overweight. So you want to lose a little bit of that excess weight for a special event, a date with a boyfriend, a wedding, or whatever. You are highly motivated to lose weight, so you cut out fruits, cut meals out and you stop snacking. You think that because you eat less food, it is less calories and therefore you are going to lose weight. The real truth is, once you start going down this route, it is in fact a starvation diet. It is not controlled diet. It is a starvation diet.

Possible Side Effects

Although you start out motivated, by the time it starts kicking in, you will start to feel tired and lethargic. This is because your body is unaccustomed to missing meals and starving yourself of the usual requirements or the usual intake of food that you have been used to for so long. Then as it kicks in and you realize when lunch comes by you will make cut backs on what you eat or you skip that meal altogether. Then when tea comes around, you have a bit of fruit or tea, or what you’re constantly thinking is cutting on your food. That will make me thinner.

About by the end of the day, because your body has not had the necessary nutrients, you may well start having headaches or you may feel miserable, and realize that you do not like the side effects but if you need to lose weight it is the only way.

So you persevere through to another day, and then that goes on to another week. You are so determined to see this starvation Calorie Diet through because that is what you firmly believe in. Well, the second week has come up. You put yourself on the scales. You are the same weight. The clothes fit the same. IT IS because you have not lost fat. All you have done is you have lost water retention or water weight, which the body retains in the muscles.

All you have achieved is to lose muscle weight and not fat weight. That is what you have been working on and not the fat itself. So after two weeks you still retain your water weight, but what you do not realize is that your body will be burning less calories because of this, and in fact it will not be burning off any fat, so the fat will remain as it was in the first place. Once you finish your starvation diet and go back to normal you muscles will

So what are the results of starvation diet? Well let us have another scenario. If you are eating say three thousand calories a day and you cut that back to only eating a thousand calories a day, the difference being two thousand calories. You may think that your two thousand calories is a lot less intake and therefore you will lose weight. Well in fact your body adjusts and your body will be burning two thousand calories less per day.

So, in reality, you are going nowhere. It is not burning the same amount of calories as it was before you went on the starvation Calorie Diet, but has adjusted to burning less because you are taking in less of the carbohydrates. So what you have done is you have hit what we call the weight plateau where your body weight will not go down any further no matter if you have gone on a starvation diet for two weeks or three weeks. You will reach a limit that your weight will go down.

This is the truth of a starvation die and these are the negative aspects of this kind of diet.