Buy Meridia Online – It’s An effective solution for overweight problems



Meridia works by reducing the user’s desire to eat by psychological generating feeling of a full stomach. A decreased appetite reduces food intake and controls weight. Meridia is generally prescribed for users with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30kg/m2 or more as well as for those with BMI <= 27 kg/m2 if the user has chances of cardiovascular problems. Sibutramine prevents re-absorption of serotonin and norepinephrine. There is also a possibility that Sibutramine increases metabolism, body heat generation and energy spending by triggering the sympathetic nervous system through ?3-adrenergic receptors. This also assists in weight reduction. Generally a 6-month therapy may help user shed 5-8% of weight at the point when the user first started using Meridia. You can order Meridia online right now. Meridia Dosage

Meridia is an oral medication advised to be taken on full or empty stomach. It is generally prescribed as an accessory to diet plans and exercise regimens. Meridia is provided in capsule form and should be taken at a fixed time everyday. Users should strictly follow instructions provided on the label and discuss with Physician before starting Meridia use.

Meridia is generally introduced gradually. Physicians will initially give low dosage for a month and alter the dosage in case of side effects. Users should maintain a log of the period in which Meridia is being used to observe the weight change. On average a user should lose 4 pounds (1.8 kg) in a month of therapy or else the Physician may decide to modify dosage changes.

Meridia may have different rate of weight change in some users and Physician made advice use of different weight loss methods, if a 3-6 month use yields results significantly lesser than estimated.

Meridia can be addictive and hence should not be prolonged beyond Physician’s advice. Generally the course may run for 6 months and user stops losing weight beyond the period in spite of strictly following Physician advice. Meridian use should not be stopped without Physician advice or it may lead to weight gain. Physician can prescribe Meridia for other uses as well.


Immediately inform the doctor / local poison control center (1-800-222-1222 for US patients) in case of Meridia overdose emergency. Dial 911 if the patient has stopped breathing or fallen unconscious.

Missed Dose

Do not increase dosage to compensate for missed doses. Take Meridia as soon as user realizes that a dose has been missed (unless there is very less time between the next one in which case just take one dose).

Side Effects

Although there is possibility of Meridia side effects, its prescription by a proper Physician means the Meridia benefits possibly outweigh the risks involved. Being approved by FDA means Meridia is found safe for general population when taken under Physician’s supervision and his instructions are followed strictly.

Side effects if any are found in a rare population and can be minimized by discussing all lifestyle and dietary habits along with ongoing prescribed/non-prescribed medications, supplements, minerals etc.

Any reactions, which seem out of the ordinary, should be immediately intimated to the Physician. Do not take Meridia if user is allergic to Sibutramine.

Side effects may include: headache, unusual eating habits, constipation, heartburn, dry mouth, weakness, back pain, nervousness, insomnia or lethargy, Rhinorrhea, flu-like symptom, hot flashes, aching while menstruation

Possible serious side effects could be: irregular heartbeat, aching chest, breathlessness, uneasiness, tummy ache, exhilaration, depression, muscle pain, convulsions, movement disorientation, scratchiness, swelling of facial features and limbs, irregular breathing etc. In case of serious side effects, contact local emergency center immediately.

Drug Interactions & Contraindications

Patients using monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) should not use Meridia. It is also contraindicated in users having allergy to Sibutramine or constituents of Meridia (see packing for Meridia contents or take Physician opinion before starting Meridia medication). Certain serotonin reabsorbing preventers and medications for migraine therapy, selective opioids should not be used concomitant without Physician consultation. Excess Alcohol may also have detrimental effect when used with Meridia. Use of Sibutramine in pregnant or breast-feeding users as well as children should also be avoided unless prescribed by Physician. Users suffering acute Anorexia should not use Meridia. Other weight loss drugs can also have severe contradictions with Meridia.


Store at room temperature: 25°C (77°F)
Avoid contact with light, moisture and heat
Keep out of reach from children and pets
Properly dispose off leftover medicine after expiry date
Medication should not be shared.


Meridia is a prescription drug and should be taken after in depth discussion with Physician about Meridia benefits and risks including dietary and lifestyle habits, all prescription/non-prescription medications, supplements, minerals, vitamins etc. Users should discuss the impact of other loss weight / dieting medications with Meridia.

There is a possibility of Blood pressure or pulse rate increase. Hence blood pressure and pulse are continuously checked to detect any unusual aggravation. All MAO inhibitors should be stopped 2 weeks before starting Sibutramine and should not be restarted before 2 weeks of stopping Meridia use.

Users suffering from Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa, Chest pain, heart attack, high blood pressure etc. should also discuss use of Meridia. Aged patients, young children, pregnant and breast-feeding mothers etc should also take Sibutramine under Physician consultation.

Users should avoid tasks requiring complex decision-making. Alcohol and other beverage use should also be discussed with Physician.