Beyonce Lemonade Diet – A Favorite Weight Loss Remedy For Celebrities

Beyonce Knowles Lemonade Diet Master Cleanse

Favorite Weight Loss Plan For Celebrities

The Beyonce lemonade diet has become very popular especially after the name of the celebrity whose name it takes. It is originally known as the Master Cleanse diet and is as old as the 1940s.

The book came out in 1946. This method of dietary plan was formulated by Stanley Burroughs.

It is unbelievable that such a fast method of losing weight could have not been popular before Beyonce talked about it on Oprah.

But it is true that a lot of folks in the health circuit were aware of this for a very long time.

Experts Say “No” but Celebs are Getting an Attractive Body

While the medical field seems to have been divided on the real good effects of the Beyonce Lemonade diet, celebrities all around the world continue to use it as a means of getting an attractive body.

Beyonce Knowles followed this diet during the shooting of the 2006 movie “Dreamgirls”.

She claimed that she had lost an enormous amount of weight — about 22lb — by following this lemonade diet for 14 days.

She was the one who popularized this diet even though it had already existed since decades. However Beyonce was not the only one who lost weight on account of this diet.

The Results Bring New Followers

  • Trina, the rapper followed this diet for 13 days.
  • Robin Quivers, the co-host of Howard Stern also said that she had lost around 73 lbs by following this lemonade cleanse diet.

However if you think that female celebrities are the only ones to follow the Beyonce Lemonade diet, you are wrong.

Jared Leto said that he lost the extra weight which he had gained for playing ‘Mark David Chapman’ with the help of the Beyonce Lemonade Diet.

Even Beyonce Has Other Recommendations

Alhough the diet is named after Beyonce, she said in an interview saying that “I wouldn’t recommend it if someone wasn’t doing a movie … there are other ways to lose weight.”

Thus the Beyonce Lemonade diet though is a favorite of the stars, yet should be followed with some precautions.

Editors Verdict

My opinion on Lemonade diet is — Doing detoxifying for our body can help to get rid of the accumulated toxins and wastes inside our body. If your intention is to have a thorough cleanse for your stomach and colon, lemonade diet is quite suitable.

However, although it has proven befits, yet, it is better not to overdo and not do it too frequently. Ideally, it would be best to do it 2 to 3 times a year, anything that is more than that could be quite unhealthy for our body.

In addition, I also strongly advise anyone who is on medication to seek for professional advice before they try master cleanse diet.

If you are pregnant or doing breastfeeding, it is definitely not advisable to follow the diet plan.

Possible Side Effects

During the process of Lemonade Diet, some people may also experience headaches or body aches. Even so, all these symptoms are quite normal because your body is adjusting for better changes.