Best weight loss diet plan for children,teens and adults


The best way to choose a weight loss diet to ensure weight loss is by consulting a dietician. Only a dietician has the ability to understand your body’s need and requirements and suggest you the best weight loss diet that helps in weight loss.

“Beauty lies in the Eyes of the Beholder “- This fact is indeed true. We all want to live up to others perception about us. The society lays a lot of emphasis on being svelte and slim. Every one knowingly or unknowingly, takes part in this rat race of weight loss. Whether you want to lose weight to sport a slim figure or to be physically fit, the bottom line is that you desire to lose weight.

Everyone knows that there are basically two ways of weight loss. Firstly, by following strict weight diet plan and secondly, by exercising. Most of us would opt for the former one. However following a weight loss diet regime is not a matter of joke. A lot of determination, grit and will power are involved while dieting. Imagine, while you deprive yourself from tasty food, your best friend gorges on your favorite pasta and French fries. Extremely Painful, Right?

This is the main reason while most lose determination and give up the thought of dieting. Dieting can be a sore thumb if not followed properly. Most people complain that in spite of the fact that they follow an extremely rigorous and strict diet regime, still they see no visible difference in their appearance. What they need to realize is that not each and every diet regime works on our body. One needs to understand that each and every body type is different from the other. The trick is to decide upon a suitable diet plan that will have the desired results on your body.

There are many weight loss diet doing the rounds, the idea is to decide on the best weight loss diet that triggers the maximum weight loss. GM diet is one of the most popular weight loss diets all over the world. The weight loss diet that was initially formulated for the workers of the General Motors is now known as one of the best weight loss diets in the world. This weight loss diet was formulated in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.GM diet is known to have the best diet tips that triggers weight loss.

GM weight loss diet can be followed for as long as desired. However, at a stretch this diet needs to be followed foe seven days. A set of diet tips have been assigned for of these seven days.

Day One
: The diet tip is that all fruits can be consumed apart from banana ( due to its high calorie content)

Day Two: The diet tip for day two is all vegetables in as much quantity as desired as long as it is boiled or cooked in minimum oil.

Day Three: The diet tip for the third day is consuming a mixture of vegetables and fruits. There is no limit on the quantity, one can have just as much he wants

Day Four: The diet tip for the fourth day is surviving on only milk and banana. No other food source is allowed on this day.

Day Five: The diet tip for this day is indulgence. One gets to feast on beef and tomato. Just as you had abstained yourself from beef for the past 4 days, you get to eat your heart out.

Day Six: The diet tip for this day is purely beef and vegetables. Eat as much as you want.

Day Seven: The diet tip for the last day that accelerates weight loss is eating brown rice , vegetables and fruit juices.

Experts claim that following the above seven simple diet tips helps in weight loss. This fact makes GM diet one of the most sought after diets.

When we are talking about GM weight loss diet, our talks will remain incomplete without mentioning their Wonder Soup. The soup made with nutritious vegetables like tomato, onion, pepper, cabbage, celery and so on is not only nutritious but also aids in weight loss. The best part about this soup is that it keeps your stomach filled up for a long duration of time.