Bad Breath Caused By Protein Diets – 3 Tips To Deal With It


Most people who go on a high protein diet are those who want to build their muscles or those who want to lose weight. Both these categories end up with the problem of bad breath and wonder how to get rid of it. The only way to get rid of this problem is to have a medical consultation and do away with the bad breath once and for all. Both have the problem of building their body mass and losing weight as soon as possible, so they need professional help to do the right thing with their food habits.

1. When the food intake is not balanced there are problems
When one is on a fad diet like a high protein one, and the problem of bad breath arises it is obvious that the food intake is not a balanced diet and you would have to correct this to get rid of the bad breath. You may want to burn fat faster but the body’s normal parameters also have to be maintained.

There is an accumulation in the blood of ketones once a dieter goes on a high protein diet and this causes bad breath. The body produces ketones when it burns up fat when there are no carbohydrates in the diet. Ketones are expelled from the body in the urine, perspiration and breath. This is the basic cause of bad breath in those who are on a high protein diet.

2. What is the remedy to give people on a high protein diet with bad breath
The only way and of course the best way is to add on some form of healthy carbohydrates to the daily intake of food. Most people think that high protein is obtained only from sea foods and meats but this is not so. There are many vegetarian foods that give a good protein content to the diet as well as have a certain amount of carbohydrates too. One such very good example is beans which gives a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates so that there the stored fat is not burned up in an incomplete method. Another way to prevent bad breath from a high protein diet is to sweat out the ketones from the pores in the skin, by spending more time in the sun or in saunas instead of from the breath. Drinking a lot of water is another option so that you pass out the ketones in the urine and also dilute those that are in the mouth to prevent bad breath.

3. Consult a doctor
To suggest a few basic remedies is alright but in case there is an underlying serious health problem it is better that the person sees a doctor. Undiagnosed diabetes or diabetics who have not got their sugar levels under control could also have bad breath because of ketones that are building up in the blood. This build up of ketones in the blood could prove to be life threatening if not seen to in time.

By: Abhishek Agarwal

Abhishek is an Oral Hygiene expert and he has got some great Bad Breath Cure Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 58 Pages Ebook, “How To Win Your War Against Bad Breath” from his website Only limited Free Copies available.