Achieving Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting


The Internet has recently seen an influx of discussion and debate regarding fasting as a weight loss technique. It is my impression that fasting can indeed offer noticeable assistance in terms of hastening weight loss and improving the general health of those undertaking such a measure. Research seems to suggest that intermittent fasting has the potential to reduce blood pressure, have positive impacts on insulin sensitivity, limit oxidative harms, facilitate muscle tissue repair, and help eliminate body fat.

A potential reason for the ability of fasting to do all of these things is that as the body enters a fasting mode, and there is a limited amount of nutrients in the system, the body embarks on a series of restorative process which would not be triggered in the presence of large quantities of food. The body is better able to repair and revive damaged tissues instead of engaging in cell division or creation, and will require less energy or food in order to do so. The bottom line is that the body adjusts, tissues and cells are mended and become more durable. Research conducted on mice suggests that a lower calorie diet leads to greater longevity.

There are two primary explanations for the fact that fasting for weight loss is so effective.

1. If little or no food is present in your body, fat burning is sure to follow. If your blood stream contains little or no fat, protein or sugar, the body is forced to utilized stored energy sources. Such sources include fats stored in the cells as well as carbohydrates retained in the muscles and the liver. Provided that your fasting does not go on indefinitely, it is possible to shed a large amount of fat without exerting great effort, by simply missing a meal or avoiding food altogether for a day or so.

2. Fasting is a simple method of cutting calories without having to completely avoid the foods you love. Though it may seem confusing, the act of skipping one or two meals sharply cuts your normal caloric intake for a given day. Thus, provided you do not overindulge, it is entirely permissible to eat some of your favorite foods and still have eaten fewer calories in total for the period in question.

Remember, though, the importance of making sure your fasting is compatible with your way of life. I began intermittent fasting several months back, and have noticed its effectiveness in maintaining an acceptable body fat level.

My two preferred techniques for fasting are:

1. Simply cutting out breakfast, which results in my not eating for a 15-hour block of time. I typically have dinner at 8:00 in the evening, and rather than eating breakfast when I wake, I simply drink some coffee and hold off on lunch until around noon. I make certain not to overindulge at lunchtime. I simply eat a regular, sensible lunch. Avoiding breakfast saves me roughly 500 to 600 calories from my daily intake, and helps me stay in a fat burning zone for several additional hours.

In order to increase the amount of fat burning I can achieve, I add 60 minutes of walking at a comfortable pace during the morning hours. Doing a bit of walking when you have not yet eaten is an effective method for burning additional fat.

2. I embark on a 24-hour fast (though I continue to drink green tea or some coffee during that period). Fasting for a full 24 hours is not nearly as difficult as you may suspect. In many cases, people eat simply due to habitual behavior or emotional triggers. There are times I get a great deal of energy and mental clarity by fasting for a full day, and can still complete a full exercise routine without having eaten. Certain research suggests that growth hormone levels tend to rise in those who exercise while fasting. The key is to make certain not to overindulge in food the following day. In this way, I am able to cut a complete day’s allocation of calories. The idea is simply to resume normal, sensible eating the following day so that you can end up with a calorie deficit for the full week.

I first decided to embark on a 24-hour fast because of the Brad Pilon Eat Stop Eating system. Anyone wanting to shed pounds through adherence to a concrete plan is likely to enjoy the Eat Stop Eating internet site. The system was updated and revised by Brad just a few weeks back.

Using fasting to lose weight is merely an additional strategy for achieving your physical fitness goals. Those who have eliminated breakfast on a given day or embarked on a full-day fast should get in touch with me. What, if any, effects did you experience when you did not eat? Were any pounds lost?

Written by Mike Cola of Fitness Contrarian

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