A Review of Baylor Weight Loss Surgery Center


If news on the increasing number of obese people in the US doesn’t bother you, maybe these statistics will:

In America:

  • 58 million are overweight;
  • 40 million are obese
  • 3 million are morbidly obese.

Why is this happening? The combination of having larger serving sizes (at home and at food outlets), a sedentary lifestyle and an increased purchasing power (more money = more money to buy food) are the culprits to these disturbing phenomenon of rapid weight gain in the country today.

Fortunately, there are many weight loss centers who are ready to help their patients in their fight against the battle of the bulge. One of these centers is the Baylor Weight Loss Surgery Center located at Forth Worth, Texas. There are also many centers like the Baylor Weight Loss Surgery Center in the state of Texas.

What weight loss centers can do for you

There are many health facilities offering weight loss programs to their patients. Their services may include a doctor-assisted weight and diet programs or medications that control one’s weight and/or metabolism For their patients that are considered grossly overweight or obese, fitness centers would offer weight loss or bariatric surgery. The Baylor Weight Loss Surgery Center in Texas offers these types of services.

Are you a good candidate for weight loss surgery?

To qualify for a weight loss surgery you must have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more to become a candidate for weight loss surgery at Baylor Weight Loss Surgery Center. If you have a serious illness like diabetes, you can qualify for a weight loss surgery with a BMI of 35. The BMI is taken by measuring the ratio between a person’s weight and height. Your doctor would also check if your body is good enough to endure surgery.