A Good Diet For Teens

A Good Diet For Teens Eating Fruits Vegetables

A Good Diet for Teens Starts at the Home

The first thing a young adult would do is inform there parent or guardian about there change in diet, this brings a level of support.

You could even recommend stuff for Mom and Dad to buy and cook, the whole Family could be in it.

The Next Place Would be School

What a Teen chooses to eat during school hours is very important to their goal.

If your goal is a good diet I would advise you stay away from vending machines and if the school lunch does not fit your needs then bring your own lunch.

What About After School Activities

This leaves after school activities, many teens are known to hangout at Malls during the week and weekend, the food there is total garbage but many times it’s not.

One might get lucky and find that store in the mall selling healthy foods, if you cannot find one then just stick to subway and hold the mayo please.

I forgot to mention teens are notorious for eating junk food, A good diet for teens does not consist of such fatty snacks.

Snacking – Choosing Healthy Snack Food

When snacking I would choose the healthy route, stick to carrots and celery and of course fruits.

The key to a good diet is health so please do not slip up the body is very tricky one burger can set you back to day one.

I am not going to lie I do sneak a couple fries here and there but nobodies perfect, I highly recommend you do not do the same.