A Good Diabetic Diet!

Delicious Dishes for Diabetics

In order to keep the blood sugar levels stable, diabetics should eat the same amount of food at the same time as a part of the diabetes diet. They should eat starch based food like cereal, bread, and starchy vegetables.

You can go for six servings a day or more. Also eat five servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

Sugary food and sweets should be eaten in moderation. Still having a sweet tooth! Have your favorite sweet once or twice a week only.

The reason why vegetables, nuts and fruit are recommended as diabetes diet people is because they contain soluble fibers which minimize the absorption of glucose from the intestines.

In fact, legumes like kidney beans with high soluble fiber and carrots are your best bet.

If diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to go to a dietitian or consult the same doctor and chart out a diet plan for diabetes treatment.

The dietitian will consider your medication, weight, your lifestyle and your favorite ‘sweet’ foods to recommend the best diet plan for you which will not deny the pleasure of eating and also avoid complications in diabetes.

Weight control is quite an important thing in Type 2 diabetes because additional fat render it difficult to make or utilize insulin.

If you are overweight, aim to lose weight so that you can maintain your blood-sugar level. You may even have to restrict your medication. Do this after checking with your doctor.

If you are a smoker, you must quit smoking, if diagnosed with diabetes because it can create a lot of complications. Smoking can decrease blood flow to legs and feet which may result in amputation.

Smoking can worsen impotence in diabetic men, who are already having problems with blood flow. The LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) level rises causing stroke and heart attack.

Drink alcohol in small measures. Do not drink alcohol on empty stomach because it will reduce the blood-sugar level.

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, there will be quite a few amount of lifestyle changes to be made. The body breaks down different kinds of food at different levels. Carbohydrates like potato or bread can take anything from five minutes to three hours to be digested.

Fat can take 8 hours to be digested. Protein can take three or six hours to be digested. This is the reason why different types of food have different effects on the blood-sugar level. No wonder, a cup of ice-cream raises the blood sugar level slowly compared to potatoes.

Do not be depressed, diabetic people do not have to ban sweet foods totally. All you need to do is to eat them in moderate levels, as mentioned before-once or twice a week. As diabetic people are a risk to heart problems, it is advisable to eat fat to 30 percent of total calorie intake daily.

Eat smaller portions of fish, meat or non-fat milk products. High protein food like Atkins Diet is not recommended as diabetes diet, because they are rich in fat. Thus we understand, that some changes in your diet and lifestyle after being diagnosed with diabetes, should keep your blood sugar in control and make you lead a happy, peaceful life.

A shining example of someone who fought Diabetes to emerge a victor is none other than one of the sexiest women in the world-Halle Berry. She was diagnosed with Diabetes 2, a condition in which the body’s ability to produce enough insulin.

This happened in 1989. However Halle stuck to a diet plan for diabetes treatment and worked out in her treadmill to emerge now as one of the top 50 beautiful people in the world.