A Diabetic Diet – Try a Vegetarian Diet


Being on a vegetarian diet is an easy to way to keep your sugar level balanced when you have diabetes. The vegetarian diet actually has everything that a diabetic diet has and it also helps you maintain a normal level of blood sugar.

The vegetarian diet also has some other benefits. Not only does it help stabilize your blood sugar level, it also helps you to be able to get off your medications, including insulin injections. This allows vegetarian diabetics to feel safe knowing that the diet they are already on makes them healthier.

Vegetarians consume a larger percentage of fiber than non-vegetarians which helps strengthen their health. This is because fiber slows down the body’s dispensation of carbohydrates, which assists a diabetic in keeping a stabilized blood sugar level.

A vegetarian’s diet is typically healthier because it lowers blood pressure and heart disease, which is an extra benefit for a diabetic. The diet is also lower in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories and has more potassium, fiber and magnesium.

As you can see, you can get a better blood sugar level and lose weight in a more stable manner when you combine a vegetarian diet with a diabetic diet. However, this does not mean you can eat everything you want. You will still need to watch the foods you consume because some meatless foods can be just as fattening as foods that contain meat.

Before you go and change your diet to a vegetarian diabetic diet, you should consult your doctor and a first-class dietitian so they can help you develop a meal plan that works with you and your health problems, if any exist. The main factor you will need to address is to get hold of a list of alternative for your meat because meat contains protein and you will still need the protein in your daily diet.

When transitioning into this new diet, you need to give your body some time to adjust to the new foods. You should also incorporate this new diet into your lifestyle gradually so it will not be such a shock to your system which can cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Keep checking your blood sugar level through this transition so you can keep your blood sugar stable.

So, you can enhance your health, lose weight and maintain a normal blood sugar level by just mixing a vegetarian diet along with a diabetic diet. Talking to a dietitian can help you develop get a list of foods you can gradually substitute into your diet rather than eating meat. Making sure you do these things will help your diet get off to a better start and will allow you to maintain a healthier way of eating.

By: Delynda Lardone

Delynda Lardone provides free information how to live with diabetes, including tips on how to keep your blood sugar level low, detailed reviews of the diabetic diets programs, and diabetic diet recipes that include nutritional information which are broken down into servings for 1 person to servings for a family of 6. If you want to learn more information about having a vegetarian diet, please visit our website on diabetic diets.