Pregnancy Diet: What To Eat While Trying To Conceive

Pregnancy Diet: What To Eat While Trying To Conceive

Women Before Pregnancy– Eating The Right Diet

Being pregnant brings about a lot of responsibility because whatever you do and whatever you eat and drink, you will either be helping or hurting the baby inside of you.

Knowing the right diet for pregnant lady will make the baby healthier as well.

If a woman needs to be in tiptop shape and in her most healthy self, that time should be when she is pregnant.

It must be emphasized at the start that the pregnancy diet being referred to here is the best diet that can encourage successful conception in a woman.

The topic of a healthy diet for an already pregnant woman is a different one although there are many similarities between the two.

With that being said, the quality and quantity of foods that you eat can and will affect your ability to get pregnant. Keep in mind that pregnancy is a complex process happening inside the body, which means that the healthier your body is, the better for it to create and nurture life.

Work On It

Your must work on your pregnancy diet at least three months before you want to become pregnant.

Most women will enjoy the results when the healthy diet is started a year before the planned pregnancy. You should then have no problem if and when you are on a healthy well-balanced diet in the first place.

However, you should also see to it that your male partner is also on a healthy diet. It cannot be overemphasized that it takes two individuals achieve fertilization, which means that the male’s sperm must be up to the task as well.

When you are on a healthy diet coupled with an exercise program, you will achieve your ideal body weight. Your chances of becoming pregnant will also increase.

Foods To Eat While Trying To Conceive

So, what exactly are the foods that must be included and excluded in a healthy pregnancy diet?

Let’s break these foods down starting with the foods that should play a starring role in diet of pregnant women:

• Fruits and vegetables, which can be fresh, cooked, tinned and dried, for at least 5 servings a day.

—   Berries which are a good food are great as add-ons to snacks and contain such minerals as potassium, folate and fiber.

—   Beans contain the following key nutrients: calcium, iron, zinc and folate, aside from the fiber and protein as well.

• Whole grain carbohydrate-rich foods like pasta, rice and bread as well as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

—   Fortified with several must-haves like iron, folic acid and fiber, the whole grains are some of the things that shouldn’t be amiss in the diet plan for pregnant women.

• Lean protein from chicken, beef, pork, fish and eggs as well as beans, lentils and legumes. The fish should of the fatty and oily types like mackerel, trout and sardines although these should be limited to just 2 times a week.

—   Salmon has to be an essential part of the diet for pregnant ladies. It is on the list of best diet for pregnant woman because it is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, the Salmon, whether broiled, grilled or added to a salad, works to keep baby’s brain and eyes healthy.

—   Eggs are some of the most common nutrients that should be present in the diet. Providing amino acids which are essential to the mom and baby, eggs also provide protein to the body. However, make sure that the eggs you include in the healthy diet for pregnant women are not raw eggs or are not undercooked.

• Low-fat dairy foods like cheese, yogurt and milk, all of which will boost your calcium levels.

—  We’ve heard so many benefits on the use of yogurt in one’s diet. But to be able to remember how important yogurt is, keep in mind that yogurt provides more calcium to the body than milk. Hence, it is imperative that we include this among the food for women who are pregnant.

• Foods rich in iron like red meat, fortified breakfast cereals and green vegetables like spinach.

If you will look closely, you will observe that the pregnancy diet bears many similarities to a healthy diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, legumes and lentils.

After all, your main goal is to make your body as healthy as possible and the first way to do that is through a well-balanced diet.

It will also help your cause if you take plenty of Folic acid with 400 micrograms a day being recommended by health experts. Ask your doctor about it as each case will differ.

Foods To Avoid While Trying To Conceive

As to the foods that you should avoid, those that have high contents of sugar, salt and other possibly harmful substances should be eliminated from the diet.

These include alcohol, soda and caffeine for liquids as well as fish containing mercury like swordfish, shark and marlin.

When you have successfully conceived with the help of the pregnancy diet, you can continue on the diet to nurture the new life within your womb although a few changes must be made specifically on the folic acid intake. Ask your doctor about it.




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