HCG Diet Plans – Low Calorie Diets

HCG diet for women and men

HCG diet plans were evolved by Dr. Simeons around half a century ago. HCG diet plans are low calorie diet plans. These plans are very much effective in reducing the weight of a person.

If you intend to make use of these plans, then firstly you need to prepare yourself. You will be put on a very limited calorie diet, which will result in quicker loss of weight. Also, you need to use HCG supplements like HCG drops and HCG injections during the duration of the course.

During this course, the body burns more fats than what it intakes. HCG diet program consists of certain food items from which you should stay away and certain foods that you should eat. These plans help you to achieve body fat equilibrium. There are many variations of HCG diet programmes.

A typical HCG plan consists of tea or black coffee with little sugar in the breakfast. In lunch, you should take a protein rich diet which may include chicken breast, beef, crab, lobster etc.

However, you should avoid the fatty parts of the meat. Along with protein, one should also eat some fruits and vegetables including celery, cucumbers, onions and tomatoes during the lunch.

HCG diet plans suggest that you should eat only one kind of vegetable during a meal. The same menu that you have adopted for lunch can be used for dinner as well.

You can change the kind of vegetable and meat, but the eating pattern remains the same. Just to remove the body toxins and to keep body in good condition, you should drink lots and lots of water.

The first 20-25 days of the diet process are extremely crucial for a successful weight loss results.

During this period, the body adjusts to changes and after this period the body returns back to the normal metabolism.

These plans encourages the dieters to use natural foods and avoid processed foods as far as possible. These plans also offer a safe option to the potential dieters. There are absolutely no major side effects involved in the use of HCG diet plans.

These plans have helped millions of people worldwide in losing excess fat from their body.

HCG hormone also helps in controlling hunger and the urge to eat. With so much to offer, these diet plans will certainly work wonders for people who are looking for a fast and easy way to lose excessive body fat.