You Can Enjoy Chocolate and Still Diet


Who says you can’t have your chocolate and eat it too? There actually is a way for you to enjoy chocolate and still be true to your diet plan! No, I am not suggesting that you run out and buy up all of your favorite candy bars and eat them for the sake of your diet. However, yes you can have that indulgence that sometimes only a piece of chocolate can satisfy, and still be true to your diet.

So what is the catch? Just this – the chocolate you eat must be dark chocolate, and preferably have a 78% or higher level of cocoa. Surprised? I certainly was! In fact, eating dark chocolate actually has some health benefits associated with it.

It seems that dark chocolate contains theobromine. Although not a stimulant, theobromine can give you that energized feeling, while increasing your alertness. In addition, it can help to improve your blood flow and circulation. But the best benefit is yet to come! Theobromine can actually boost your metabolism and help you to burn fat. It is further believed that dark chocolate contains a fair amount of oleic acid. Oleic acid is an amazing unsaturated fatty acid. Benefits derived from this acid include the ability to help raise the good cholesterol. Because of this, it helps to decrease the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries, as well as help with the fight against cancer by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, in particular breast cancer. Imagine, all those health benefits packed into that perfectly tasty morsel, that we just thought tasted so good!

Chocolate manufacturers are aware of this diet trend, and have responded to the need by making this type of chocolate readily available. Once again, please make sure to read the label, to check out the cocoa percentage. Dieting plans seem easier to stick with now that you know one of your all time favorite cravings can still have a place on your menu. You and your diet never had it so good!

So, the next time someone points out to you that you can not possibly eat chocolate when on a diet, you can smile and say to yourself, “Oh yes, I truly can!” now that you know about the dark chocolate clause.

I hope you found this information interesting. As you know, before adding anything into your diet, it would be wise to check with your health care professional. Expecting Mothers, or people with acid reflux should probably not include this in their diet.